Laid down by ant workers as they walk by touching the gaster (the large posterior section of their body) to the floor, inducing other workers to follow it and allowing trunk trails, like motorways, to be laid to new food sources
A simple process by which workers can be rapidly allocated to a newly discovered food source in order to prevent competitors getting access to it, ensuring that the colony has the monopoly
An autocatalytic (self-reinforcing) process governed by positive feedback mechanisms, ensuring a rapid build up of foragers
Allows the allocation of foragers to remain dynamic and flexible
The complexity of social functions mediated by insect lipid pheromones is matched by the chemical diversity of both volatile and non-volatile signaling signals
Many insect pheromones are derived from the same pool of biochemical precursors such as fatty acids and isoprenes, thus allowing a diversity of chemical structures to be generated by slight modifications to a main backbone