Kathryn Gravdal - sexual violence is built into the very premise of Arthurian Romance. It is a genre that by its definition must create the threat of rape
greenchapel as Fairy mound
J. R. Hulbert
Gawain - Magic in Hall
overal enkergrene; a much berd as a bush;
such a hwe lach I as growe grene as the gres and greener hit semed / then grene aumayl on golde glowande brighter
stel bot on the grounde; hede hit to the erthe; blod...blykked on the grene
ful ryche
Orfeo - Magic in the Court
ympre-tre; ther come to me fairknightes; 'wold I, nold ich'; nothinghelpthe no schal' ‘quenwasoway ytuight,/ withfairiforth ynome’ scheldtrom
Gawain - court in nature
wodwos that woned in the knarres; henged hye over his hede in hardysse-ikkles; bot sode style as the ston other a stubbe auther/ that ratheled is in roche groundewithrotesahundreth
Orfeo - court in nature
'now on hardhethe he lith/ with levesandgresse he him writh' 'the king mot make his bed in mese'
The tale has one, particularly unusual and conspicuously powerful quality which is its evocation of the uncanny and unknowable
“Really recovering himself”
Laura on Orfeo
Arestyus - threat of rape in nature Henryson's version, attempt to escape through 'medow grene'
Orfeo - Heurodis' vision, - riversforestes frith with flours
Orfeo new
Cite of nobledefens
Crached hir visage
Richerobe hye al torett
Maidens durst hir noughtawake
bestgemmes / that myght be preved of pryswythpenyestobye in daye.'