
Cards (11)

  • Kathryn Gravdal - sexual violence is built into the very premise of Arthurian Romance. It is a genre that by its definition must create the threat of rape
  • green chapel as Fairy mound
    J. R. Hulbert
  • Gawain - Magic in Hall
    overal enker grene; a much berd as a bush;
    such a hwe lach I as growe grene as the gres and greener hit semed / then grene aumayl on golde glowande brighter
    stel bot on the grounde; hede hit to the erthe; blod... blykked on the grene
    ful ryche
  • Orfeo - Magic in the Court
    ympre-tre; ther come to me fair knightes; 'wold I, nold ich'; nothing help the no schal' ‘quen was oway ytuight,/ with fairi forth ynome’ scheldtrom
  • Gawain - court in nature
    wodwos that woned in the knarres; henged hye over his hede in hard ysse-ikkles; bot sode style as the ston other a stubbe auther/ that ratheled is in roche grounde with rotes a hundreth
  • Orfeo - court in nature
    'now on hard hethe he lith/ with leves and gresse he him writh' 'the king mot make his bed in mese'
  • The tale has one, particularly unusual and conspicuously powerful quality which is its evocation of the uncanny and unknowable 
    “Really recovering himself”
    Laura on Orfeo
  • Arestyus - threat of rape in nature Henryson's version, attempt to escape through 'medow grene'
  • Orfeo - Heurodis' vision, - rivers forestes frith with flours
  • Orfeo new
    Cite of noble defens
    Crached hir visage
    Riche robe hye al torett
    Maidens durst hir nought awake
  • embrawded
    best gemmes / that myght be preved of prys wyth penyes to bye in daye.'

    Gawain - Guinevere