Depression characteristics and explanations

Cards (21)

  • Depression
    Mood disorder which effects emotional state
    MDD: major depressive disorder
    occurs in 1 in 10 adults in the UK at any one time
    affects twice as many women as men
    most common in those who are 25-44
    average age for developing the illness is a person in their mid 20’s - although decreasing
  • Emotional characteristic
    extreme sadness, tearfulness, depressed mood
  • Emotional characteristic
    Loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities
  • Emotional characteristic 

    Feelings of anger directed towards other or self
  • Behavioural characteristic 

    Disturbed sleep patterns : insomnia/ increased
  • behavioural characteristic
    changed activity levels : agitated or slow and lethargic
  • Behavioural characteristic

    Disturbed appetite and weight change
  • behavioural characteristic
    Tiredness and loss of energy
  • Cognitive characteristic 

    Negative self concept and low self esteem
  • Cognitive characteristic 

    Negative expectations about life
  • Cognitive explanations of depression : Ellis’ ABC model
    irrational beliefs lead to depression
    A= activating event
    B= belief
    C= consequence
    rational beliefs lead to healthy emotions, irrational beliefs lead to unhealthy emotions
  • Mustabatory thinking
    Argued that the source of iraational beliefs comes from mustabatory thinking = where people think that certain assumptions must be true in order to be happy
    3 main ones =
    must be approved/accepted by people
    must do well or I am worthless
    world must give me happiness or I will die
    • people who think like this will be disappointed all the time
  • Cognitive explanations of depression : Becks cognitive triad 

    Depression is the result of negative interpretations of the world
  • Becks cognitive triad - schemas
    Depressed people have a negative self schema , leads to beliefs and expectations that are pessimistic
    develops during childhood due to traumatic experience
  • Confirmation bias And cognitive bias
    Negative self schemas lead to a confirmation bias where we look to confirm our negative beliefs and not disprove them
    become prone to to making errors in their thinking - cognitive biases
    example : black-white thinking (thinking in extremes)
  • Becks negative triad
    thought that negative self schemas and cognitive biases can lead to a pessimistic and irrational view of three key elements in a persons belief system
    1.negative views of self
    2.negative views of the world
    3.negative views of the future
    -not the result of conscious intention they are automatic
  • Correlational research 

    data between negative thinking and depression is correlational - can’t infer cause and effect
    Grazioli and Terry assessed congnitive vulnerability in 65 pregnant women
    those with negative thinking before birth were more likely to develop post natal depression - showing the negative thoughts did come first and then led to depression
  • positive implications
    led to development Of CBT , 90% of patients show improvement with CBT - very effective
  • Weakness
    Some ‘irrational beliefs‘ are more accurate than others = depressive realism /sadder but wiser effect
    those with depression are more accurate in predicting the likelihood of a disaster- is it appropriate to change their way of thinking and label it irrational?
  • Weakness
    Negative thinking may not be specific to depression- also associated with anxiety and eating disorders
    theory is deterministic
  • Weakness
    Reductionist - reduced depression down to thought processes and faulty thinking , doesn’t take biological factors into account