No Offence is a British television show about the Manchester Police. It was created by Paul Abbott and shown on Channel 4.
The main characters are DCI Joy Freers, DI Viv Deering and DC Dinah Kowalska.
The show as internationally distributed by Freemantle Media. It was shown on France 2 and Acorn in the US.
The series was filmed on location in the multicultural city of Manchester in 2015.
The series has a great representation of 3 high ranking women that are the lead characters in the show.
Viv Deering is played by Joanna Scanlan. She is a strong character who behaves in an extremely masculine way. Her leadership skills stand out as someone in charge.
JoyFrears is played by Alexandra Roach. She is a good leader but she can be too soft at times.
Dinah Kowalska is played by Elaine Cassidy. She is very intelligent but also impulsive which leads to her being reckless at times.
Repetition in genre - detective work / murder / violence / female victims / serial killers / mystery / suspects / clues.
Difference in genre - female detectives / diversity / Manchester location / Down's syndrome representation / crude language / dark humour / social realism.
No Offence subverts the stereotypes of women in the media and challenges ideals held about women in the police force by representing women in leading roles. This may be seen as unrealistic and exaggerated representation.
No Offence also highlights the Mancunian drinkingculture and the impact of alcoholism.
BritBox was created in 2020 to compete with streaming channels like Netflix. Channel 4 and Channel 5 are part of BritBox. This enables No Offence to achieve a wider audience.
EPISODE 1 NOTES -- Dinah is drunk after a night out / chases a murderer / head is run over by bus / male police officers are unprofessional / Joy and Dinah are Detective Constables applying for Detective Sergeant / Viv is Detective Inspector / Viv calls males 'Gormless Prostates' / Viv imitates in a masculine way / Joy is overly emotional and nervous / Miller mixes up Vietnamese and Chinese / Joy is promoted / Cathy's home life is neglectful / Darren is detective superintendent / progressive representation of black people.
EPISODE 1 NOTES -- Crime genre conventions - search and detective work to track murderer / ticking clock rhythm in the background - tension / Dinah is the hero jumping into the river to after Cathy / Viv encourages Joy to be more confident / Dinah is revealed as Polish / Dinah takes Cathy into her home.
The TV show showcases; corruption in the police, racism, dark humour, poor treatment of Down's Syndrome people and a bit of sexism in parts. This could possibly link to the social and cultural contexts.