Different participants are used in each level of the IV but they are matched as much as possible on key characteristics that are likely to influence the DV
Interviewer may use some of the same questions for all interviewees, but there is flexibility in the order, whether they are asked at all and, sometimes, in how questions are phrased
Calculates a correlation coefficient, a statistic that has a value between -1 (perfect negative correlation) and +1 (perfect positive correlation)
Correlations are usually plotted onto a scatter plot so you can visually see whether the relationship is positive, negative or if there is zero correlation
A small scale study, carried out with a restricted number of participants who will not take part in the study itself, before the process of collecting data begins
Experiments: Confounding/extraneous variables, whether materials used are suitable, whether timings are appropriate, whether standardised instructions are clear
Observations: Whether behavioural categories are clear and unambiguous, whether timing and CCTV are correct, whether sampling technique is appropriate
Interviews: Whether extraneous variables are controlled, whether questions are clear and understandable, whether recording methods are suitable, quality of the interviewer, structure of the interview