
Cards (12)

  • Blood
    Blood cells (red, white, platelets)
  • Composition of blood?
    Blood cells:
    99% red cells
    1% white cells and platelets
    90% water
    7% proteins
    3% other
  • Founctions of blood?
    • Transportation of gases, fuels and minerals
    • Protection against infection and dehydration
    • Maintaining equilibrium (homeostasis) - balancing nutrients, enzymes, minerals and hormones
    • Thermoregulation
    • Bringing waste products to the kidneys and liver, to filter and clean blood
  • Founction of red blood cells?
    Carry 02/C02 to body tissues and muscles via haemoglobin
  • Founction of white blood cells?
    Fight infection by absorbing and digesting diseases
  • Founction of platelets?
    Help form blood clot to stop bleeding
  • Founction of plasma?
    Carries blood cells which continually pass through capillary walls and into cells. 90% is water
  • White blood cells?
    • Fight infection by absorbing and digesting disease-causing organisms
    • They are also produced in bone marrow, lymph tissue and the spleen
  • Red blood cells?
    • Removes carbon dioxide (CO2)
    • Carry oxygen to body tissues and muscles (O2)
    • Produced in the bone marrow such as sternum, ribs and vertebrae.
  • Platelets?
    • Help form blood clots to stop bleeding and to prevent the loss of body fluids
    • Produced in the bone marrow 
  • Plasma: Function?
    • Provides cells with nutrients
    • Transports waste products and assists with their removal
  • Plasma: Characteristics?

    • Clear, yellowish fluid (90% is water) therefore counters dehydration
    • Contains ‘fibrinogen’ which helps platelets form blood clots