MentalHealth is a state of well-being in which evryone realises their own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and can make a contribution to their community. (WHO, 2014)
Learning involves changes in ones behavior mostly occur through experience.
Study Habits- refers to the attitudes and behaviors of students when preparing for and taking examinations.
Success (King, 2024) - is defined as state of accomplishment or achievement resulting from an endeavor. success is relative for some it means having material possession.
Goal- is an idea of the future/desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan and commit to achieve.
types of goal 1. SHORT TERM GOAL - is something you want to accomplish soon.
2. LONG TERM GOAL- takes a long time to achieve
GOAL SETTING - is a powerful process for thinking what your ideal future and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality.
FAILURE- is the inability to realize one's goals.
STRESS- is a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.
EUSTRESS- is a beneficial stress that can be in the form of physical, psychological, and biological stimuli.
DISTRESS- occurs when there is a tension build-up which becomes unbearable and difficult to cope with.
STRESSOR- is any event that compels a person to adjust or change. it is anything that causes the releaseofstress hormones.
two categories of stressors: PHYSIOLOGICAL- stressors that put strain in our body
two categories of stressors: 2. Psychological - events, situations, individuals, comments or anything we interpret as negative or threatening.
STRESS TOLERANCE- the ability of an individual to endure stress
COPING- refers to the thoughts and actions that people use to deal with stressful situations.
TWO COPING STRATS: 1. Problem-focusedstrategy - relies on using active ways to directly tackle the situation that caused the stress (must focus sa problem)
TWO COPING STRATS: 2. Emotion-focused strategy- used to handle feelings of distress rather than the problem (you focus on your emotions)
SELF-CARE - refers to all activities that a person does to maintain and improve his/her physical, psychological, emotional, social, and spiriutal well-being
(5 DIMENSIONS OF SC) 1. PHYSICAL SELF-CARE- all activities that one does to maintain and improve his well-being
(5 DIMENSIONS OF SC) 2. PSYCHOLOGICAL SELF-CARE - all activities one does to deal or resolve mental health issues
(5 DIMENSIONS OF SC) 3. EMOTIONAL SELF - CARE - includes all activities one does to cope with stress, and address both positive and negative emotions.
(5 DIMENSIONS OF SC) 4. SOCIAL SELF-CARE - all activities one does to connect with people valuable to him or her.
(5 DIMENSIONS OF SC) 5. SPIRITUAL SELF-CARE - all the activities one does to strengthen one's rs,with his or her beliefs