Ion-Dipole Forces

Cards (7)

  • Dipole – a molecule (covalent) that has a pair of equal and opposite charges (+ and -).
  • Ions and dipoles are overall neutral because the opposite charges neutralizes each other.
  • Ion-Dipole Forces occur between ionic compounds and polar covalent compounds.
  • Ion-Dipole involves ions and polar molecules (polar solvents).
  • Water (H2O) is always polar. It has always a net dipole moment, thus, it is also called as permanent dipole molecule.
  • Higher charge between ions and polar molecules ⟶Stronger ion-dipole force
  • Examples of Ion-Dipole Forces
    • NaCl and H2O (Sodium Chloride and Water)
    • KCl and H2O (Potassium Chloride and Water)
    • NH4Cl and H2O (Ammonium Chloride and Water)