ac 1.2

Cards (12)

  • public bill - applies to general public, put forward by the government ministers on behalf of the party
  • private members bill - public bills introduced by mp's and lords who are not government ministers
  • private bill - normally put forward by an organisation or private company. Will only affect certain groups of people
  • Hybrid bill - a combination of a private and public bill by proposing something that affects the public, but also has a significant impact on specific individual groups
  • The ministry of justice carries out government policy or the criminal, civil and family justice system. Responsibilities:
    • provide legal aid
    • detention + rehabilitation of offenders
    • protect the public + reduce reoffending
  • The ministry of justice is funded through taxes
  • Three agencies the ministry of justice is in charge of is
    • national probation service
    • Hm courts and tribunals
    • Hm prison service
  • The purpose of the MOJ is to
    • protect + advance principles of justice
    • deliver a world class justice system
    • work with other agencies to bring principles of justice to life
    • work to ensure sentences are served + offenders are encouraged to turn their lives around
  • Role of the police: maintain law and order, protect members of public, prevent, detect and investigate crime, governed by legislations like PACE and Human Rights Act, monitor all criminal activity + respond to emergency calls
  • Role of the CPS: advise the police on cases for possible prosecution, review cases submitted by police, prepare cases for court, if an offender is charged, cps is responsible for prosecuting offences in court, make representations to magistrates regarding suitability of bail prior to trial or sentence hearing
  • Role of the prison service: keeps those sentenced to prison in custody, helping them lead law-abiding lives (in and out of prison), they run 104/117 prisons in England and wales.
    responsibilities - managing prison + probation service, support effective offender management
  • Role of nps: protect the public by effective rehabilitation of high risk offenders, responsible for commissioning + delivering prison/probation service, they work with around 30,000 offenders a year, write the pre-sentence report, anyone released from prison after serving between 2 days and under 2 years must be supervised by the nps for at least 12 months