Loosely woven, most widely distributed, fibroblasts produce fibers that are either excitatory (tell next neuron to fire) or inhibitory (stop next neuron from firing), structuralmatrix holds everything up
Form myelin sheath
Create cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) to cushion brain
Scavengers, cleaners, remove waste, help with immune response
Basic functional unit of CNS, need a lot of support to do anything
Long projections, often myelinated, go down to terminal bouton
Terminal boutons
Attach to a muscle/gland, act on it, excitatory or inhibitory
Thicker myelin diameter
Faster the axon
Multipolar neuron
Motor neurons activating muscles to move, has many dendrites coming off with one long axon, higher cognitive function
Bipolar neuron
Cell body with two poles, one pole is a single dendrite receiving information, the other is an axon coming off
Short, unmyelinated, faster
Released from terminal boutons, cross synaptic cleft, bind to receptive site, cause next behavior on other side