SAKURA - It is the most popular Traditional song of Japan that is commonly use in Kabuki.
PEKINGOPERA - Traditional forms of theater began at the end of 16th century and become the most successful theartrical entertainment in the red-light district of great cities.
PEKINGOPERA - Chinese form of opera which speech, singing,mime, and acrobatics are performed to an instrumental accompaniment
ACROBATICS - is not include to the skill use in by the kabuki performer
WAYANGKULIT - It is a theatrical forms that is well-known in Indonesia that include the use of puppet materials.
KAGURA - Theatrical play that is accompanied by Japanese Shamisen music that is performed in Shinto shrines
GAMELAN ENSEMBLE - It is the musical instrument ensemble that accompanied in the Wayang Kulit performance.
IPPONCHOSHI - Vocal techniques and patterns that is also called continuous pattern
BRONZE PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS - are the main comprise of Gamelan ensemble
20 musicians -number of musician in the orhestra in kabuki Theater
TAN-PI-KU - Chinese kettle drum that is used to create tempo of the performance
SHAMISEN - It is include in the chordophone group in Hornbostel-Sach classification.
KA - in Kabuki is means SONG
ERH-HUANG AND HIS-P'L - Two main style in of music in Peking Opera.
GOAL OF ARTIST IN PEKINGOPERA - To make every performance exceptionally beautiful in ever movement.
Example of Japanes theater:
ARAGOTO - Male role in Kabuki
RAMAYAMNA AND MAHABHARATA - it is common stories in Wayang kulit.
WAYANG - means thearter
RED - means Courage and loyalty.
BLACK - means fierceness and roughness.
YELLOW - wildness
BLUE - fearfulness and violence
GREEN - impulsive, stubbornness
PEKING OPERA - Chinese theater arts
KABUKI - Japanese theater arts
WAYANG KULIT - Indonesian theater arts
SUAKOSUA - is a Philippines folk dances tha mainly use fan as props.
JOLO SULO - place where in Sua ko sua was originated.
Effect of cigarette smoking:
Example of gateway drugs:
ETHANOL - Alcohol that can consumed by human
FIRST HAND SMOKE - Refers specifically to the smoke that a smoker directly inhales
SECOND HAND SMOKE - occurs when people breathe in smoked breathed out by people who smoke or from burning tobacco product
THIRD HAND SMOKE - occurs when tobacco smoke leaves residual nicotine and other chemical on indoor surface, skin fur, pillow and furniture, even after air has cleared