milgram was interested in this destructive obedience where orders are obeyed even though the individual understands the negative consequences like during world war 2 and the concentration camps
aims are the 'germans are different' hypothesis and to test historians hypothesis that the behaviour of nazi soliders were due to a german character defect
controlled non-participant observation as there is no IV or DV
lab setting
yale university
structured interviews at the end
self selected
advert in local newspaper
40 males aged between 20 and 50
jobs ranged from unskilled to professional
paid $4.50 for turning up
when ppts arrived they meet the 'experimenter' and another 'participant' called mr wallace. Both of these men where milgrams confederates
The ppts drew slips of paper to decide who was learner or teacher but it was rigged
The confederate was always the the learner and the ppt was the teacher
They were both taken to the experimental room where the learner was strapped into an electric chair and linked to shock generator
The teacher was taken to the adjoining room
The shock machine started at 15 volts and went up to 450 volts
Mr Wallace learnt a list of word pairs and the teacher said one and the learner recalled its partner
The teacher was told to give and an electric shock at every mistake and increase by 15 volts every time
The learner gave mostly wrong answers, when the teacher refused to give the shock they were given a series of verbal prods
The four verbal prods
Please continue
this experiment requires you to continue
it is absolutely essential that you continue
you have no choice but to continue
After the research, the teacher was thoroughly debriefed and reunited with learner
at the end they were interviewed
At 300 volts, the learner pounded on the wall and made no further comment
14 Yale psychology student estimated that 0-3% would get to 450 volts
All participants got to 300 volts
65% got to 450 volts
Many ppts showed sweating and trembling
14 ppts displayed nervous laughter and smiling
3 ppts had full blown seizures
In conclusion, ordinary people are shockingly obedient to destructive orders
In conclusion , in certain situations people would kill a stranger
In conclusion , the situation cause people to be highly obedient
milgram proposed there were factors that contributed to high levels of obedience
Experimenter perceived authority
ppts assumed experimenter knew what he was doing
ppts assumed the learner had voluntarily consented to take part
Due to prestigious Yale settings may encourage social desirability
Use of interviews can give social desirability
Volunteer bias could lead to social desirability if ppts were eager to please
Lab location and picked up clues to change their behaviour and give demand characteristics
Milgrams own expectations may have influenced the research
Social desirability and demand characteristics lower the internal validity of the study
Yale setting might have meant the ppts felt under pressure and could trust yale which lowers the ecological validity
Milgram replicated the study in a run down office block and 47.5% went to 450 volts
Artificial lab setting lowers the ecological validity
Androcentric sample means the results can’t be generalised to females which lowers population validity
Milgram selected male ppts to replicate nazi soldiers and replicated the study on females and found the same % went to 450 volts
Sample bias due to volunterr sampling
Milgram ensured his ppts didn’t have any history of antisocial behaviour so it could reflect ordinary Americans