
Cards (100)

  • Who were Elizabeth's parents?

    Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
  • When did Henry VIII break away from the Roman Catholic Church?
  • Why was Elizabeth made illegitimate?
    Aged two,Elizabeth was made illegitimate due to Henry VIII accused Anne of treason for being friendly with the males in court and had Anne executed in the Tower of London.
  • Who were Edward VI's parents?

    Henry VIII and Jane Seymour.
  • Described Edward VI's reign
    Became King in 1547 after Henry VIII's death .
    Due to young age,9, his advisers made the important decisions for him.
    Made the Church of England more protestant
    Elizabeth lived with Catherine Parr under Edwards reign.
    Dies in 1553 after a history of being ill.
  • Who were Mary I's parents?
    Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII.
  • Describe Mary I's reign
    Took the throne in 1553 after the death of her brother.
    Being Catholic,Mary undid the religious changes made during Edwards reign.
    Made Catholicism the main religion of England.
    Famous for burning reluctant protestants at the stake including Archbishop Cranmer and Bishops Latimer and Ridley.
    Announced to marry King Philip II of Spain in 1554.
    Started Marian prosecution that forced people into Catholicism or to face serve penalties .
  • Describe Elizabeth's position under Mary
    In 1554 Elizabeth was imprisoned in the Tower of London after Mary accused her of being involved in Sir Thomas Wyatt's protestant rebellion.
    Released due to lack of evidence and moved to Woodstock House in Oxfordshire.
    Moved to Hatfield House,Hertfordshire.
  • When did Elizabeth become queen?
    17th November 1558.
  • Elizabeth's Coronation
    12th January 1559 Elizabeth travelled from Whitehall to the Tower on a ceremonial barge on the Thames.
    14th January 1559 Elizabeth had a triumphal coronation procession through London with music.
    15th January 1559 Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey by Owen Oglethorpe-the Catholic Bishop of Carlisle-and walked to the state banquet in Westminster Hall.
  • Elizabeth's upbringing
    Learnt Greek,Latin,French and Italian.
    Well read in arts and literature.
    Loved dancing,riding and music.
    Keen on archery and needlework.
    Studied theology and favoured the English bible.
  • Elizabeth's personality
    Quick temper.
    Unwilling to spend money
    Had to manage nation's finance due to the national debt she had inherited.
    Spent money on appearance due to
  • Elizabeth's use of portraits
    Helped project her royal authority.
    Portraits became less and less accurate throughout her reign to maintain a powerful image.
    Caught smallpox in 1562 which left her face badly scarred.
    Type of propaganda.
    Nobles displayed her portraits to show loyalty to the Queen.
  • Elizabeth's use of royal progresses
    Elizabeth would stay in her nobles houses receiving free upkeep and entertainment.
    During summer months.
    Propaganda exercise to show that Elizabeth was seen by her subjects.
    Privilege for the noble but also very expensive for them.
    Host expected to present the Queen with expensive gifts.
  • What was the Royal Court?

    Centre of political power.
    Whitehall Palace in London.
    Ladies -in-waiting,chief advisers,government officials and servants lived with the Queen.
    Used patronage to keep keen and young nobbles loyal.
  • Describe the factions in the Royal Court
    Chief rivalry- William Cecil and Robert Dudley.
    Disputed interventions in wars, Cecil favoured caution which Dudley favoured direct action.
    Also disagreed on the subject of religion as Dudley was a Puritan and Cecil was a protestant.
  • Describe the Privy Council
    Body of advisers and ministers appointed by the Queen to help her rule.
    From the noble and gentry class and occasionally archbishops.
    Met 2 or 3 times a week .
    Discussed crises and other prominent issues.
  • Biography of Sir William Cecil(1520-98, created Lord Burghley in 1571)

    Moderate protestant.
    Privy councillor during Edward VI's and Mary's reign.
    1558-Become Secretary of State.
    Manged the meetings of parliament.
    1572-Appointed Lord Treasurer.
    Served Elizabeth for 40 years until his death.
  • Biography of Robert Dudley(1537-88),created Earl of Leicester in 1564)

    Close childhood friend of Elizabeth.
    Fought against the French under Mary's reign.
    1558-Entered the Royal Court.
    1562-Appointed to the Privy Council.
    1564-Appointed Earl of Leicester.
    1585-Commanded army in the Netherlands and returned to England.
  • Biography of Sir Christopher Hatton (1540-91)

    Moderate Protestant.
    1557-Appointed as the Vice-Chamberlain of the household and a member of the Privy Council.
    1561-Enters Elizabeth's court and is responsible for organising the Queen's progresses.
    1567-Becomes Lord Chancellor
  • Biography of Sir Francis Walsingham (1532-90,knighted in 1577)
    Devout Puritan.
    Well educated in Cambridge and Padua in Italy.
    1568-Started working for the government.
    1570-Appointed ambassador to Paris due to his command of European Languages.
    1573-Made Secretary of State with special responsibility of foreign affairs.
    Placed in change of Elizabeth's secret service.
    1586-Uncovered a plot to murder Elizabeth that involved Mary Queen of Scots.
  • Biography of Robert Devereux,2nd Earl of Essex(1567-1601)
    1584-Entered royal court.
    1593-Appointed to the Privy Council.
    Gained military knowledge fighting in France,Spain and the Netherlands.
    Quarrelled with Elizabeth
    1601-Executed for treason due to involvement n a plot to dismiss some councillors
  • Biography of Robert Cecil(1563-1612)

    Younger son of William Cecil.
    1590-Took over Walsinghams duties after his death
    1591-Appointed to the Privy Council.
    1603-Responsible for supervising James VI's succession following the death of Elizabeth
  • Lord Lieutenant
    Chief among royal officials.
    Held by a wealthy landowner and often a member of the Privy Council.
    Kept the Queen informed about what was happening in their area.
    In charge of local militia.
    Supervised the work of the Justices of Peace.
    Very prestigious post.
  • The Sherrif
    One in each county.
    Concerned with legal affairs such as appointing juries,delivering prisoners to court and collecting taxes.
    Importance declined as responsibilities had been given to other people.
  • Justice of the Peace

    Maintained law and order.
    30-60 per county.
    Wealthy Country Gentlemen.
    Unpaid-Got power and status.
    Sat in court sessions.
    Administered justice for minor crimes.
    Administered poor relief.
  • The Parish Constable and Nightwatchman
    PC appointed from among the tradesmen and farmers in the areas.
    Held the unpaid post for 1 year and were closely supervised by the JP's.
    Nightwatchmen patrolled the streets at night looking for criminals
  • The overseer of the poor
    Helped administer the poor relief.
    Appointed by the JP's.
    Collected taxes and distributed the money to the poor.
  • Describe the role of parliament during Elizabeth's reign.
    Much less powerful than today.
    Queen controlled when it met.
    Only 10 parliaments during Elizabeth's reign.
    Could raise taxes to gather finances.
    2 bodies-House of Lord and House of Commons.
    House of Lords-100 non elected lords,bishops and judges.
    House of Commons-450 MP's elected by wealthy landowners.
    2 Mp's from each county and 2 from each important town in the country.
  • Describe freedom of speech during Elizabeth's reign.
    Speaker of the House-Appointed by the Queen and decided what was debated.
    Religion and foreign policy was to be discussed by the Privy Council-arrested 5 MP's for doing so.
  • Describe taxation and finance under Elizabeth's reign.
    Income came from the royal estates and property,and customs duties on exports and imports.
    Monarch asked parliament to raise taxes if short on funds.
    Elizabeth inherited a government heavily in debt.
    Capped court salaries and cut royal household spending.
    Paid off Marian debt.
  • Describe the Social Structure during Elizabeth's reign.

    Monarch-Queen Elizabeth I
    Nobles and Lords-Great landowners(about 50 families) with income of up to £6000 per year.
    Gentry-Lesser landowners(about 10,000 families) with an income of up to£200 per year.
    Wealthy Merchants-Successful businessmen(about 30,000 families).
    Professionals-Emerging middle class (lawyers,doctors,clergy,schoolmasters etc.)
    Yeomens -Owned property had few servants and farmed some land.
    Tenant Farmers-Rented 10-30 acres of land(about 100,000 families).
    Cottagers-Small gardens to farm and small scaled industry.
    Skilled Artisans-Men with a trade.
    Landless Unskilled Labourers-Seasonal workers.
    The Poor and Unemployed
  • What percentage of the population was struggling to survive?

  • Describe what Henry VIII did with religion.
    Put an end to the Pope's authority by making himself Head of the Church of England.
    Introduced an English bible.
    Remained a catholic but most of his Parliament had turned protestant.
  • Describe what Edward VI did with religion.
    Heavily influenced by protestant advisers.
    Introduced a new Protestant Prayer Book and Communion Service.
    Introduced an English service.
    Had church decorations torn down.
    Allowed priests to marry.
  • Describe what Mary Tudor did with religion.
    Restored the authority of the Pope.
    Restored a Latin Mass.
    Separated priests from their wives.
    Persecuted Protestants.
  • Describe the views of Catholics abroad and within England.

    Elizabeth had no right to be Queen.
    King of France ,Francis II proclaimed Mary Stuart should be Queen.
    Many catholic extremists wanted to replace Elizabeth with a Catholic monarch.
    Number of Catholic plots were faced by Elizabeth.
  • Describe the views of protestants.
    By 1559, half the population was protestant.
    Some extreme protestants were know as puritans.
    Believed in a simple faith .
    Wanted to wipe traces of Catholic past.
  • Describe Catholic beliefs.
    Pope was head of the Church.
    Cardinals,Bishops and Archbishops helped the Pope to govern.
    Services in Latin.
    Bible in Latin.
    Churches should be highly decorated.
    Preists should not marry.
    The communion became the blood and body of Christ.
  • Describe Protestant beliefs.
    Monarch should be head of the Church.
    Archbishops and Bishops should help govern the Church.
    Services should be in English.
    Bible should be in English.
    Little decoration in churches.
    Priests should be able to marry.
    The communion represents the blood and body of Jesus.