a goodquality, continuous relationship with a mother figure is necessary for healthy emotionaldevelopment
outline critical period
if no attachment formed within 2.5 years then attachment will not occur
then later proposed a sensitiveperiod of 5 years where attachment is still possible but takes longer and is more difficult
define affectionless psychopathy - consequence of MD
occurs from lack of continuity in critical period
may appear like lacking remorse, guilt or empathy
define social development issues - consequence of MD
occurs from lack of opportunity to form social skills and relationships
may appear like struggle to build relationships
define cognitive development issues - consequence of MD
occurs from lack of continuousstimulation and brain damage
may appear like low IQ or struggling with tasks
define behavioural issues - consequence of MD
is a coping strategy
disregard for consequences
may appear like delinquency
evaluate theory of MD (STRENGTHS)
Bowlby's 44 thieves study = prolongedseparation creates affectionless psychopathy
Harlows monkey study = monkeys that were maternallydeprived had long term negative effects
evaluate theory of MD (LIMITS)
Bowlby's 44thieves study is flawed = Bowlby conducted the interviews himself = suggests the results were open to bias as Bowlby knew which teenagers he expected to show affectionlesspsychopathy.
Czechtwins case study = suffered severe emotional abuse from 18months - 7years. However they recoveredfully bc of good aftercare. Suggests longtermdamage is not inevitable and criticalperiod is better seen as a sensitiveperiod.
outline Bowlby's 44 thieves study
studied the link between affectionless psychopathy and maternal deprivation
studied 44teenagecriminals
results of Bowlby's 44 thieves study
14 out of 44 had affectionless psychopathy
12 out of those 14 had experienced maternal deprivation
suggests that prolonged separation leads to affectionless psychopathy = validates Bowlby's theory of continuity