Issues and Debates - Gender Bias Issue

Cards (7)

  • Universality + Gender Bias
    Universality = belief that some behaviours are the same for each gender, psychology aims to produce research that applies objectively to both genders
    Gender Bias = occurs when psychologists portray genders differently, makes assumptions based on stereotypes
  • Androcentrism

    theories based on male behaviour are applied to females
    Psychology is male dominated, so most published research represent a male perspective
    Many studies used male only samples
    e.g Asch's conformity research tested 123 male ppts and assumed that the results (75% conformity) would apply equally to females without testing any
    Androcentrism leads to alpha or beta bias
  • Alpha Bias
    Theories that exaggerate the differences between men and women
    Assumes there are real differences between genders that may not actually exist
    consequence = one sex seen as inferior/undervalued
    e.g Freud's theory states that morality is developed during the phallic stage, where boys experience castration anxiety which leads to them identifying with the father, leading to the development of the superego. Girls are seen as morally inferior as they don't experience castration anxiety, therefore do not identify with the mother and develop a weaker conscience.
  • Beta Bias
    Theories that minimise gender differences
    Ignores real differences between men and women
    Consequence = behaviour of one gender is overlooked
    e.g Stress research was conducted on entirely male animals, as their hormones fluctuate less than females, but assumed the results were the same. However recent research suggests females developed another stress response that protects offspring and looks for alliances in social groups
  • 1st weakness of gender bias

    False gender differences can go undisputed for years
    e.g Darwin's theory of sexual section claims men compete with each other for mates, however recent research suggests females are just as competitive as males when attracting mates
    This highlights the importance of continually challenging past gender research to ensure validity.
  • 2nd weakness of gender bias

    Alpha bias can have negative implications on the real lives of women
    As alpha bias research often concludes women are inferior to men, this may give scientific justification to denying women opportunities in society (e.g in the workplace). It also promotes double standards (e.g sexual behaviour is natural for males but abnormal for females).
    This can have damaging consequences leading to the discrimination of women
  • 1st positive of gender bias

    There are ways to reduce gender bias
    Research can be conducted to emphasise the value of women rather than implying inferiority (e.g Cornwell et al found that women were better at learning than men because they are attentive, flexible, organised)
    Practical applications can be created from gender differences research to reduce inequality across men and women. (e.g Eagly created leadership training to encourage more women into leadership roles based on findings that women make less effective leaders).
    This means research is valuable as it challenges harmful stereotypes