Cards (22)

  • Technical Definition - describes how something was designed to work by its investors or its car programmers. This is used to introduce the vocabulary that communication in particular fields is succinct and unambiguous.
  • Operational Definition - is of variable in terms of the operations or techniques used to measure or manipulate it is also a description of how something works in the real world.
  • Etymology - explains the origin of the word itself
  • History or background - discusses the history of the term its use and controversies associated with it
  • Description - is to explain the color size and shape
  • Principle of operation - discussing how topic in question functions including any special materials or conditions required
  • Cause and effect - is to explain the cause and effects of the term
  • Classification - is to show how the topic fits into a larger category
  • Comparison and contrast - is to show how the topic is similar to or different from others in class
  • Analogy - is to explain by comparing two dissimilar topics where the second is familiar to the audience
  • Examples of anecdotes - to tell a story or example that illustrates the term
  • Illustrations - to provide a picture or image that is used to clarify a text
  • American Psychological Association (APA) format - is most frequently used within the social sciences in order to cite various sources this ___ citation guide provides the general format for in-text citations and reference page
  • In-text - citations are short citations used in the text
  • Full references - are full citations in the reference list at the end of the paper
  • Narrative-in-text citations - are incorporated into the text and act as a part of the sentence usually use the author's name in the text and the publication year is enclosed in a parenthesis after the name
  • Parenthetical citation - is where all the required information is placed in a parenthesis it has the author's name and the publication year at the end of the sentence in parentheses
  • Term - The word or phrase being defined, often introduced by articles like "the", "an", or "a". It's accompanied by a general class to form an independent clause.
  • General Class - Refers to the broader category to which the term belongs. Including this helps readers grasp the specific idea of the term.
  • Differentiating Characteristics - Introduced using relative pronouns and a dependent clause, they distinguish the defined term from others.
  • Subject Verb Agreement - Ensure that the verb used in definitions agrees with the subject. Singular subjects take singular verbs, while plural subjects take plural verbs. Even if a phrase intervenes between subject and verb, the agreement remains with the subject.
  • Defining Relative Pronouns - These pronouns, like "which", "that", "who", and "whom", introduce clauses providing further information about the noun or noun phrase. They aid in transitioning from the term and class to the distinguishing characteristics, enhancing understanding