in the digestive tract adjacent cells develop connections to form a sheet that prevents leakage of small molecules, this is a _ junction
in mitotic spindles, microtubules are responsible for pulling the chromosomes apart as well as pushing the _ away from each other
junctions which the cytoskeleton of a cell is attached to cytoskeleton of other cells or the extracellular matrix are called:
anchoring junctions
which are the most common type of anchoring junctions:
eukaryotic cells which have flagella or cilia have the characteristic _ arrangement of microtubules:
the most important coenzyme that accepts electrons (hydrogen ions) is _ in the Kreb's cycle
most protons re-enter the matrix by passing through special channels in the inner mitochondrial membrane, because of the inward flow of protons these channels allow the synthesis of
ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate (from ATP synthase channels)
chromosomes and centrosomes are replicated during _
interphase (specifically S phase of interphase)
the electron transport chain loses most of the energy by driving several transmembrane _
proton pumps
energy released in the mitochondrial electron transport chain is used to transport protons into the _
inter-membrane space of mitochondria
enzymes catalysing the reaction of glycolysis occur in the _
enzymes of the Kreb's cycle are located in the _
matrix of the mitochondria
cellular respiration describes the whole process of the oxidation of glucose to produce _ and _