Middle Childhood

Cards (23)

  • Associate the letter “A” of anaphase to the word “Away” to signify that during anaphase stage sister chromatids separated or moves away from each other is what type of Mnemonics?
  • Jessa continuously repeating "Wilcoxon is for dependent t-test" to remember it is what kind of mnemonic?
    • Stanford-Binet Intelligence scale (INDIVIDUAL TEST)
    • OLSAT8 (GROUP TEST) Children are asked to classify items, show an understanding of verbal and numerical concepts, display general information, and follow directions
    • K-ABC-II (INDIVIDUAL TESTS) designed to evaluate cognitive abilities in children with diverse needs (such as autism, hearing impairments, and language disorders) and from varying cultural and linguistic backgrounds
    • DYNAMIC TEST based on Vygotsky’s theories focus on the child’s zone of proximal development (ZPD)
  • Transitive Inferences Understanding the relationship between two objects by knowing the relationship of each to a third object
  • Inductive reasoning involves MAKING OBSERVATION about a particular class then DRAWING CONCLUSIONS about the class as a whole.
  • Deductive Reasoning STARTS WITH GENERAL STATEMENT—a premise—about a class and applies it to particular members of the class. If a premise is true of the whole class and the reasoning is sound, then the conclusion must be true.
  • Piaget believed that children in the concrete operations stage of cognitive development only used inductive reasoning. Deductive only appear later in adolescents
  • Horizontal décalage Piaget’s term for an inability to transfer learning about one type of problem to other types of problems sharing the same conceptual underpinnings.
    • Understand Spatial Relationships
    • Understand Causality (Cause and effect)
    • Understand Categorization
    • Seriation, Transitive Inference, Class inclusion
    • Inductive and Deductive Reasoning.
    • Understand Conservation
    • Number and Mathematics
  • Executive Functioning Conscious control of thoughts, emotions, and actions to accomplish goals or solve problems
  • Self-regulatory Capacity ability to regulate attention, inhibit responses, and monitor errors
  • Selective Attention ability to deliberately direct one’s attention and shut out distractions
    • COMPONENTIAL: ANALYTIC ASPECT of intelligence, determines how efficiently people process information. (problem solving, monitor solution)
    • EXPERIENTIAL: CREATIVE/INSIGHTFUL ASPECT, how people approach novel or familiar tasks.
    • CONTEXTUAL: PRACTICAL ASPECT, helps people deal with their environment. (STREET SMART)
  • Tacit Knowledge Sternberg’s term for information that is not formally taught but is necessary to get ahead.
  • Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT) is a test that seeks to measure each of the three aspects of intelligence verbal, quantitative, and figural (or spatial)
  • Language areas of particular importance during this Middle Childhood are
    • vocabulary - use of precise verbs, simile, metaphor, figure of speech,
    • grammar - Grammar is quite complex at age 6 but rarely use passive voice
    • syntax - Understanding of rules of syntax becomes sophisticated as well
    • pragmatics - MAJOR AREA OF LINGUISTIC GROWTH happens here, refers to social context of language. (includes both conversational and narrative skills)
    • literacy
  • Phonetic (code-emphasis) Approach a TRADITIONAL approach to literacy wherein the child sounds out the word, translating it from print to speech before retrieving it from long term memory
  • Whole-language Approach - emphasize VISUAL RETRIEVAL and the use of CONTEXTUAL CUES.
    • based on the belief that children can learn to read and write naturally, much as they learn to understand and use speech
  • First grade marks entry into “real school.” It is a milestone in academic development and sets the stage for future success or failure.
  • Enrichment Program - deepen students’ knowledge and skills through extra classroom activities, research projects, field trips, or expert coaching.
  • Acceleration Programs - speed up their education through early school entrance, grade skipping, placement in fast-paced classes, or advanced courses
  • Convergent Thinking - THE KIND THAT IQ TESTS MEASURE. seeks a single correct answer.
  • Divergent Thinking - (creative thinking) Thinking that produces a variety of fresh, diverse possibilities.
    • assessed using Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) Most widely known tests of creativity