1.2.1 Systems Software

Cards (22)

  • Basic Input Output System (BIOS)
    • a program that initialises and tests whether system hardware is functional and then loads the OS from the hard disk to the RAM when the computer turns on
  • Device Drivers
    • program supplied with a peripheral device allowing the OS to control and communicate with the device
  • Distributed Operating Systems
    • OS is spread over multiple computer servers on a network, acting as a single system to parallel process the job
  • Embedded OS
    • a specialised OS with limited resources and functionality, built in to control a single machine
  • First Come First Served (FCFS)
    • scheduling algorithm where processes are dealt with in the order they arrive (queue)
  • Intermediate Code
    • code partly translated between high-level and machine language produced by a compiler
  • Interrupts
    • a signal from hardware, software or the clock to alert the CPU
    • if the interrupt is higher priority than current task, current routine pauses and resumes after interrupt is executed
  • Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
    • if an interrupt is high priority than current task, register contents transfer temporarily onto the system stack at the end of the current FDE cycle and the interrupt is handled
  • Memory Management
    • efficient organisation and allocation of main memory to the programs in use
  • Multi-Level Feedback Queues
    • a scheduling algorithm that uses multiple queues, each with a different priority
    • jobs can be moved between queues
  • Multi-tasking OS
    • an OS capable of running multiple tasks simultaneously
  • Multi-User OS
    • an OS consisting of one mainframe computer with multiple terminals
    • this lets multiple users access computer's resources
    • each user is given a time slice of the mainframe processor
  • Operating System (OS)
    • a set of programs managing the operation of the computer that's loaded into RAM everytime the computer is turned on
    • bridges user to hardware
  • Paging
    • separating memory into fixed sixed physical divisions called pages
    • processes in memory will be assigned an appropriate number of pages
  • Real Time OS
    • an OS where data is processed as it comes
    • responses are generated within a guaranteed timeframe
  • Round Robin
    • scheduling algorithm where each process is given an equal time slice and dealt with in a First In First Out basis
    • if a process doesn't finish within a time slice, it joins the end of the queue
  • Scheduling
    • allocating processor time to each application to make sure processor time is used efficiently when multitasking
  • Segmentation
    • separating memory into variable sized logical divisions called segments
    • a large program can be executed by consecutively running its segements
  • Shortest Job First
    • scheduling algorithm that picks the process with the shortest estimated running time and runs it till it's finished
  • Shortest Remaining Time
    • scheduling algorithm that picks the process with the shortest estimated time remaining
    • if a process with a shorter time is added, scheduler switches processes
  • Virtual Machines
    • any instance where software is used to take on the function of a machine
    • includes intermediate code/running an OS in another
  • Virtual Memory
    • an allocated area of secondary storage where pages of inactive jobs are swapped into to free up RAM for the current job