case studies

Cards (3)

  • case studies
    in depth investigations of a single individual, group or event - often involves analysis of unusual individuals or events like a rare disorder of riots - make use of a range of methods/techniques and use a range of resources - people may be interviewed or observed - could use IQ or personality test or a questionnaire - produces qualitative data but quantitative may be included like scores from psychological tests - researchers construct case history of individuals - longitudinal (over long period of time)
  • case study advantages
    provide rich detailed data - case histories and multiple testing techniques enables researchers to build in depth analysis of case being studied - can provide insights into complex interaction of different factors - can help identify factors that may be overlooked
    allows behaviours would be unethical to manipulate to be studied - e.g. enable specific forms of brain damage (Clive Wearing) or extreme child neglect (Genie) to be investigated - provides unique insight
  • case study disadvantages
    may lack validity - lacks population validity due to focus on limited sample size and lacks internal validity - interviews and questionnaires used with target individuals and family may suffer social desirability effect and inaccuracy especially for childhood - less scientific
    can suffer from ethical issues - informed consent and confidentiality can be problematic - even when real names not given most cases easily identifiable as they're unique, many unable to give true informed consent too young or unable to comprehend - go against ethical code of conduct