Cognitive Explanation for Depression

Cards (15)

  • negative schema - a set of beliefs about the world that are negative and limiting developed in childhood
  • negative schemas are caused by factors like parental/peer rejection and criticism from teachers
  • negative schemas lead to systematic cognitive biases in thinking
  • cognitive bias example 1
    minimization - diminishing an achievement/downplaying a serious situation/offence
  • cognitive bias example 2
    maximization - maximising small failures
  • cognitive bias example 3
    mind reading - assuming you know what someone's thinking
  • cognitive bias example 4
    fortune telling - assuming you can predict the outcome of future events
  • the negative triad
    A) the world
    B) the future
    C) oneself
  • the ABC model
    a - activating event
    b - belief
    c - consequence
  • the abc model
    ellis proposed many problems are caused by irrational and self defeating beliefs that put unreasonable demands on the individual
  • mustabatory thinking - the source of irrational belief systems, thinking that certain ideas/assumptions must be true for an individual to be happy
    1. i must be approved of or accepted by people i find important
    2. i must do well or i am worthless
    3. the world must give me happiness or i'll die!!!!
  • strength of cognitive explanation - evidence
    bates et al found that depressed P's who were given negative automatic thoughts statements became more depressed
    negative thinking is associated with depression
    grazioli and terry - women judged to have a cognitive vulnerability more likely to develop post natal depression
  • strength of cognitive explanation - practical app.
    developed CBT
    successful in reducing symptoms and improving management of depression
    positive impact on economy - return to jobs/better workers
    negative impact on economy - nhs
  • weakness of cognitive explanation
    blames the patient, it's all in your head!
    ignores environenmental factors
    unhelpful, may demotivate patients as they feel responsible
  • characteristics of depression
    behavioural - sleep changes
    cognitive - suicidal ideation
    emotional - guilt