Which the gods have sentme is a long one‘ [ Odysseus ]
‘The whole world talks
of my stratagems, and my fame has reached the heavens’ [ Odysseus ]
’I, for one, know of
no sweetersight for a man’s eyes than his own country’ [ Odysseus ]
‘I sacked this place
and destroyed its mensfolk’ [ Odysseus ]
‘But my fools
of men refused’ [ Odysseus ]
‘They kept on drinking
and butcheringsheep’ [ Odysseus ]
‘Six of my strong-greaved
Comrades from each ship were killed’ [ Odysseus ]
‘With heavyhearts, grieving
for the loss of our dear companions though rejoicing at our ownescape’ [ Odysseus ]
‘What they did was
give them some lotus to taste’ [ Odysseus ]
‘I had to use force to
bring them back to the hollowships’ [ Odysseus ]
‘We can to the land
of the cyclopes, a fierce, lawless people’ [ Odysseus ]
’The Cyclopes have no
assemblies, for the making of laws, nor any established legalcodes’ [ Odysseus ]
‘And what a
Formidablemonster he was!’ [ Odysseus ]
‘He would pour one
cupful of wine into twenty of water‘ [ Odysseus ]
‘I had an instant foreboding
that we were going to find ourselves face to face with some barbarous being of colossalstrength and ferocity, uncivilised and unprincipled’ [ Odysseus ]
‘Such was the monstrous
size of the rock with which he closedthecave’ [ Odysseus ]
‘We find ourselves here as
suppliants at your knees, in the hope that you may give us hospitality’ [ Odysseus ]
‘He is the god of guests: guests
are sacred to him, and he goes alongside them‘ [ Odysseus ]
‘We Cyclopes care nothing for
Zeus with his aegis, nor for the rest of the blessedgods, since we are much stronger than they are’ [ Polyphemus ]
‘His words were designed to
get the better of me, but he could not outwit someone with my knowledge of the world’ [ Odysseus ]
‘Limb by limb he tore
them to pieces to make his meal, which he devoured like a mountain lion’ [ Odysseus ]
‘On first thought I planned to summon my courage, drew my
sharp sword from the scabbard at my side, creep up to him…….. But on secondthoughts I refrained’ [ Odysseus ]
‘I was cudgelling my brains for
the best possiblecourse, trying to hit on some way of saving myfriends as well as myself’ [ Odysseus ]
‘I thought up plan
after plan, scheme after scheme’ [ Odysseus ]
‘Blinded by a
wicked man and his accursed friends’ [ Polyphemus ]
‘But my temper was up;
Their words did not dissuade me, and in my rage I shouted back at him once more’ [ Odysseus ]
‘Tell him your eye was
put out by Odysseus, sacker of cities, the son of Laertes, who lives in Ithaca’ [ Odysseus ]
‘At this the Cyclops lifted up
his hands to the starryheavens and prayed to the LordPoseidon’ [ Odysseus ]
‘Thus we left the island and sailed
on with heavyhearts, grieving for the dear friends we had lost but glad at our own escape from death’ [ Odysseus ]