hold a ruler between a persons thumb and index finger lined up with the 0cm mark.
drop the ruler without warning and record the distance dropped before it was caught.
calculate reaction time
carry out repeats
introduce a variable such as before and after a sugary drink
place 1m2quadrat in a random grid position in an area and count organisms
calculate the mean number per m2 then multiply by total area to give an estimate of totalpopulation
to observe variation in population density over distance move quadrat along a transect and record number per m2
plot population density against distance
produce bacteria cultures using aseptic techniques
sterilise equipment using a flame every time they are used
open petri dish towards flame and add drops of different bacteriacultures on the agar or spread one across the whole plate.
label the dish with names of bacteria and antibiotics
seal with a few bits of tape but still allow air and incubate
measure the diameter of bacteria colonies or areas where no bacteria are if testing antibiotics. calculate area of circled
germination practical-
observe geotropism in roots or phototropism in shoots of plants
put cress seeds on damp cotton wool in a petri dish
allow to germinate in a dark environment
if observing root growth stand dish on its side after a few days you should see roots growing downwards (geotropism)
if observing shoot growth allow a bit of light to enter through a hole and measure shoot height every day. you will see they bend towards the light (phototropism)
determine relationship between temperature and rate of decay
measure volume of whole milk using a syringe put in a test tube and add sodium carbonate
add the indicator phenolphthalein which is pink for a ph over 8.3
use a water bath to change temperature, measured using a thermometer in the test tube
add the enzyme lipase and start the stop watch
record the time taken for the indicator to decolourise (white).
repeat for different temperature
an increase in temp will increase the rate of decay up to the point at which the enzyme denatures