🪺Biology Unit 3 Reproduction

Cards (50)

  • The cell cycle is a regulated process in which cells divide into two identical daughter cells, and that this process consists of three main stages: interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis
  • Mitosis contributes to growth, repair and asexual reproduction
  • Meiosis
    1. Results in haploid gametes
    2. Results in genetic variation through recombination of alleles, including independent assortment and crossing over
  • Chromosome mutations

    • Translocations
    • Non-disjunction leading to polysomy (Down's syndrome) and monosomy (Turner's syndrome)
  • Pollen grain formation in anther
    1. Embryo sac formation in ovule
    2. Male nuclei reach embryo sac via tube nucleus, pollen tube and enzymes and fertilise the female gamete and 2 polar nuclei
    3. Double fertilisation to form triploid endosperm nucleus and zygote
  • In eukaryotes, DNA is cut into shorter lengths and each length is tightly wrapped up with histone proteins to form chromatin
  • Before cell division, DNA is replicated and more histone proteins are synthesised, so there is temporarily twice the normal amount of chromatin
  • Following replication, chromatin coils up even tighter to form short fat bundles called chromosomes
  • Chromatids
    The two arms of an X-shaped chromosome, joined at the centromere
  • Karyotype
    • Displays the individual chromosomes of a cell, showing their characteristic size, shape and banding pattern
    • Allows identification and numbering of chromosomes
    • Shows homologous pairs of chromosomes
    • Shows sex chromosomes (non-homologous in one sex)
  • Homologous chromosomes
    Two chromosomes of the same size and shape, one originating from each parent, containing the same genes but different alleles
  • Cell cycle
    • Interphase (G1, S, G2)
    • Mitosis
    • Cytokinesis
  • Checkpoints
    Points in the cell cycle where the cell is checked to see if it is safe to proceed to the next phase
  • Mitosis
    1. Prophase
    2. Metaphase
    3. Anaphase
    4. Telophase
    5. Cytokinesis
  • The purpose of mitosis is to make two genetically-identical cells
  • Prophase 1
    1. Nuclear envelope disappears
    2. Chromosomes condense
    3. Homologous chromosomes join together to form bivalents
  • Metaphase 1

    Bivalents line up on the equator
  • Anaphase 1

    1. Bivalents separate and homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles
    2. Chromatids do not separate
  • Telophase and Cytokinesis 1

    1. Two nuclei with replicated chromosomes
    2. Chromosomes don't uncoil
    3. Cells divide, but remain joined
  • Prophase II
    1. Centrioles move to form new poles at 90° to original poles
    2. Chromosomes already coiled
  • Metaphase II
    Chromosomes line up on new equator
  • Anaphase II
    1. Centromeres finally split, separating chromosomes
    2. Chromatids move to opposite poles
  • Telophase II and Cytokinesis II
    1. Nuclear envelopes form around each set of chromosomes
    2. Cells divide, but remain joined to form a tetrad
  • Meiosis
    • Halves the chromosome number from diploid (2n) to haploid (n)
    • Rearranges chromosomes to form new combinations of alleles
  • Crossing over
    Sections of sister chromatids are swapped (crossed over) within bivalents during prophase I
  • Chiasmata
    Points at which the chromosomes actually cross over
  • Independent assortment
    Maternal and paternal versions of different chromosomes can be mixed up in the final gametes during metaphase I
  • Every gamete produced by an individual is genetically unique due to crossing over and independent assortment
  • Nondisjunction
    Chromosome mutation where chromatids or chromosomes remain stuck together and move together to one pole of the cell during anaphase
  • Polysomy
    • Trisomy (e.g. Down syndrome)
    • Monosomy (e.g. Turner syndrome)
  • Polyploidy
    Nondisjunction causes all the chromosomes to remain together, forming a gamete with two copies of every chromosome
  • Translocation

    Chromosome mutation where one part of a chromosome is swapped with a part of a completely different, non-homologous, chromosome
  • Male gametes
    Small cells that can move, either motile (e.g. animal sperm) or non-motile (e.g. plant pollen)
  • Sexual reproduction
    1. Meiosis
    2. Fertilisation
  • Gametes
    Haploid sex cells that will fuse together to form a new diploid individual
  • Types of gametes
    • Male
    • Female
  • Male gametes
    • Many
    • Mobile
    • Minute
  • Female gametes
    • Few
    • Fixed
    • Food
  • Those individuals that produce small mobile gametes are the males, and those that produce the larger gametes are the females
  • In some species the same individual organisms can produce both male and female gametes, so they do not have distinct sexes and are called hermaphrodites