Pancreas: endocrine (bloodsugar) and exocrine (digestive) functions
Down syndrome is trisomy 21, leading to mental developmental issues
Chromosomal abnormalities
Down syndrome (trisomy 21)
Triple X (female)
Turner syndrome (female)
Klinefelter (male)
Gestation period
Last menstrual period - birth
Fertilization - birth
Embryonic period
Fertilization - week 8
Developing offspring after fertilization
Oocyte released from ovary -> covered in protective layers -> sperm penetrates layers -> fusion of sperm and eggplasma membranes -> only sperm head nucleus enters oocyte -> oocyteundergoeschanges to prevent more sperm
Completion of fertilization -> zygote formed -> maternal and paternalDNA mix -> readies for mitosis
Embryonic development
Series of mitotic divisions -> cells split quickly without growing -> forms tissues
Morula keeps dividing -> surpasses 100 cells -> begins to hollow out -> blastocyst forms with trophoblast and innercellmass
Blastocyst attaches to endometrium on day 7 -> secretes HCG
Inner cell mass forms 2 layers: epiblast and hypoblast -> primary yolk sac forms
Germ layers formation
Bilaminar disc becomes trilaminar -> ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm form
Ectoderm cells in primitivestreak fold inwards -> forms neural tube -> centralnervoussystem
Development of all organs takes place from week 3 to week 8
Placental development
Chorionicvilli form -> combine with uterinetissue -> umbilicalcord develops -> placenta fully functioning by week 3
Fetal development
Headdominant but body elongating, brain still gets bigger -> facial features, sensoryorgans, bonesdistinct -> fetal position, increase in weight
mesoderm: the middle layer of cells or tissues of an embryo; muscles, and bone and heart.
endoderm: the innermost layer of cells or tissue of an embryo in early development; becomes digestive and respiratorysystems
ectoderm: the outermost layer of cells or tissue of an embryo in early development; epidermis and nervoussystem