Anadiplosis emphasises the distance and disconnect of death.
the physical boundary within life and death. / Calvinist belief in the predestines / Habakkuk 2:20 “But the LORD is in his holy temple. Let all the earth be silent before him!" - the land of God / fear + isolation in death / soul sleep / preposition - transition
“When you can nolongerhold me by the hand”
Enjambment - running stream of consciousness + free flow of emotions / ‘hand’ - connotations of marriage and love + used in her brother’s poetry to depict the first relations between a man and woman/ idea of being guided + vulnerability + freedom through death / alliterative ‘h’ sounds - panting - desperation
“It will be late to counsel then or pray. Yet if you should forget me for a while”
Volta- symbolic of the boundary between life and death. Shift in rhyme scheme reflective of earthly love vs heavenly love.
“You tell me of the future that youplanned”
Reminiscent of the patriarchy in Victorian society. Exhaustion from instructional patriarchal relationships. Rejection of Catholicism following her breakup - strict Tractarianism beliefs. She loved him, but valued God more.
juxtaposition of pronouns - conflict of interests- rossetti turned down two proposals due to her religious convictions - patriarchal domination - frustration
“Do not grieve:”
Radicalism by subverting Victorian mourning culture.
imperative / monosyllabic second clause / rejection of Victorian mourning culture / rhyming couplets - the pain of death for both parties.
“Only remember me;you understand”
Caesura separates ‘me’ and ‘you’
End-stopped line - abrupt line endings
Repetition of “remember” and “you”
‘Nor I halfturn to go yetturningstay. ‘
juxtaposition - the complexity of the human experience. / full stop - rejection of human desire for a continuation of the earthly experience.
‘It will be late to counsel then or pray. ‘
John Newman’s ideas regarding the validity of prayers for the dead - projection of high Anglican beliefs / definitive - permanence of death / structured rhyme scheme - repression of emotions + factual
‘Better by far you should forget and smile ‘
juxtaposition - her own conflicting ideals / alliteration - emphasises her unchanging wish for her lover’s joy. / unpredictable rhyme scheme - nature of death.
‘Than that you should remember and be sad.’ -
Antithesis / refrain - the absence of ‘me’ - the loss of the individual via death - Galatians 3:23 ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female ; for ye are all one in Jesus Christ.’