Cards (12)

  • what can be proton be used for?
    small samples
  • what does a proton have?
    spin half nucleus
  • H+
    • number of H+ environment
    • integration tells us how many protons are in the environment
    • how many protons are in the adjacent
  • what happens when a H is bonded next to electronegative element?
    Become more deshielded
  • 8.5 - 10
  • 4.5 -6.5
  • 6.5 - 8.5
  • 3.0-4.5
    next to oxygen
  • 0- 0.3 not next to oxygen
  • why does c13 not undergo spin spin coupling?
    too low occurrence in nature (1%)
  • what occurs in spin-spin coupling?
    adjacent H may strengthen the applied field, so deshields
    adjacent H may weaken the applied field, so shields
    leads to multiple peaks
  • how does delocalisation lead to?
    actual structure is a superposition of all resonance structure