Belief in Allah

Cards (20)

  • Qualities of Allah

    • Omnipotence - all powerful
    • Tawhid - the oneness of Allah
    • Benevolence - Allah is all loving
    • Omniscient - Allah is all knowing
    • Adalat - Allah is just
  • 6 beliefs of Sunni Muslims

    • Tawhid (oneness of Allah)
    • Malaikah (angels)
    • Risalah (prophets)
    • Day of Judgement
    • Allah's decree (Allah created the laws of nature and the laws of religion)
    • Qur'an (Muslim holy text)
  • 5 Pillars of Sunni Muslims

    • Shahadah - declaration of faith
    • Salah - prayer five times a day
    • Zakat - 2.5% of their annual earnings to charity
    • Sawm - Fasting during Ramadan
    • Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca
  • 5 Roots of Shi'a Islam

    • Day of Judgement
    • Imamah - belief that the Prophet chose 12 infallible imams to be his successors
    • Tawhid - the oneness of Allah
    • Prophethood - belief that Allah chose messengers to preach to mankind
    • Adalat or Divine Justice - belief that Allah is fair
  • 10 Obligatory Acts of Shi'a Islam

    • Salah - prayer five times a day
    • Zakat - 2.5% of money to charity
    • Sawm - fasting during Ramadan
    • Hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca
    • Khums - 20% of money to Imam
    • Jihad - struggle in the way of Allah
    • Tawalla - expressing love for Allah
    • Tabarra - expressing hatred towards evil
    • Celebrating what's right
    • Forbidding what's wrong
  • The Qur'an states 'he has power over everything'
    Allah has complete control and therefore, is omnipotent
  • The Qur'an also explains 'It is he who created the night and the day'

    As the Creator of everything, he must be omnipotent
  • Tawhid
    The oneness of Allah, meaning that even though Allah has 99 names, he is only one being
  • Importance of Tawhid to Muslims

    • It helps them understand they should be monotheists and only worship one God
    • It helps them understand that his 99 names are qualities or characteristics of God and not beings within themselves
  • Angel Jibril

    • Appeared to the Prophet Muhammad and revealed the Qur'an to him
    • This is important because without Jibril, the words of Allah would not have been received by humankind
  • Angel Izra'il

    • Takes the soul of every person and returns it to Allah
    • This allows for Allah to be adalat or just because he can then judge the souls and decide on their afterlife
  • 5 prophets within Islam

    • Adam
    • Ibrahim
    • Isma'il
    • Isa
    • Muhammad
  • Adam
    • Believed to be the first Prophet
    • The story of Adam disobeying God shows Muslims they should follow Allah's commands and not follow the devil
  • Isa (Jesus)

    • Injil, one of the most important revelations made before the Qur'an, was revealed to Isa
    • Preached Tawhid and performed miracles, showing Allah's omnipotence
  • Prophet Muhammad
    • The principle Prophet sent by Allah
    • Delivered the final, and accurate, revelation from Allah
    • An example humanity should follow in order to please Allah
  • Al Qadr
    • The belief in predestination or fate
    • Shows Allah is omniscient as he knows everything that has happened and will happen in the universe
    • Shows nothing happens without Allah's permission as he is omnipotent
    • Allah has given some element of human freedom (different Muslims disagree on how much freedom we actually have) and this is part of Allah's plan
  • Holy books or Kutubullah in Islam

    • Sahifah (scrolls) - oldest revelations given to Ibrahim and Moses
    • Tawrat (Torah) - 'scriptures of Musa' containing good teachings and laws, given for a limited time
    • Zabur (Psalms) - songs, prayers and poems inspired by Allah
    • Injil (Gospels) - taught by Isa which taught love and forgiveness
    • Qur'an - final revelation sent by Allah, revealed by Jibril to the Prophet Muhammad, meant for all times and all people and all places
  • Jannah - if you follow Allah's teaching, you will go to heaven after death
  • Jahannum - Hell
  • Day of Judgement - The day when Allah will judge all people and decide whether they will go to heaven or hell.