Matters of Life & Death

Cards (27)

  • In the Qur'an Allah created the world in 6 ayyams
  • The act of Creation is frequently spoken of in the Quran in order to remind people about the order of the universe and about the All-Knowing Creator who maintains it all
  • Al-Khaliq
    The Creator
  • Perfect, intricate, natural laws - an infinitely wise and All-Powerful Creator must be ordering the universe
  • Value of the universe to Muslims

    • It was created by Allah
    • Allah gave earth to humans to take care of on his behalf
    • All Muslims should work in some way to care for the environment
    • Muslims are to be Khalifah's of the earth
  • Big Bang theory explains how the universe was created
    Some atheists argue we don't need to believe in Allah
  • Scientific evidence for Big Bang Theory
  • Just because humans look for a cause or designer, this doesn't mean there is one
  • If the universe needs a creator, then surely Allah needs one too?
  • Similarities between the Big Bang and Quran account of creation
    6 Ayyams might be six stages which could be compatible with creation over billions of years
  • The Quran: '"The heavens, We have built them with power…We are expanding it"'
  • Nothing existed before the Big Bang
  • The Quran states "Created the night and the day"
  • The Prophet: '"Whoever kills a sparrow or anything bigger than that without a just cause, Allah will hold him accountable on the Day of Judgment."'
  • The Quran states "They are communities like you"
  • The Prophet explained that a killing would be for a just cause if it was for food
  • The Quran: '"To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth."'
  • The Quran: '"Take not life, which God hath made sacred."'
  • The Quran states "No one can die except by Allah's leave."
  • The Quran: '"If any one slew a person... it would be as if he slew the whole people."'
  • Euthanasia
    Killing a person to end their suffering
  • Qur'an teachings on euthanasia?

    • Only Allah can decide when a person's life is over
    • Life is holy, sacred, precious, and valuable and belongs to Allah
    • Humans should preserve and respect life and only Allah has the right to give and take life
    • Humans cannot decide when to end it. Euthanasia is killing and this is forbidden in the Qur'an
    • Life is a test - should not be ended prematurely
  • Qur'an teachings on abortion

    • Abortions are ACCEPTABLE if the mother is very disabled and unable to look after a child
    • Life starts at 120 days, which is called ensoulment (soul enters the body)
    • An abortion could be to prevent danger
    • Pregnancy a result of rape
  • Qur'an teachings on abortion (not permitted)

    • The Qur'an says do not kill your child because of want
    • Allah is the creator of life. Only Allah has the right to end life
    • The Sanctity of life (life is holy/sacred)
    • Life begins at conception
  • Life after Death (Akhirah)

    • Life has a purpose - how we spend time on earth will determine what happens to us in the akhirah
    • In the next life, Muslims will be accountable for their actions in this world e.g. good deeds, selfless acts and following Allah's teachings will lead to a better existence
    • Belief in resurrection - that one day the whole of humanity will be brought back to life for the Day of Judgement
  • Quran teachings on euthenasia?
    • '...not to kill yourself; God is merciful to you'
    • Islam is a religion of mercy and so Muslims should care for the sick, not kill them
    • The hadith shows that a person who ends their life earlier than Allah intends will not go to paradise
    • The Qur'an shows that people should accept suffering and they will be rewarded for it
    • Many Muslims support hospice care
    • 'Those who patiently preserve will truly receive a reward without measure'
  • Life after death?

    • Jannah - heaven or paradise and Jahannum - hell
    • "It is God who gives life, then causes you to die, and then gathers you all to the Day of Resurrection..."
    • "...peace be on you; enter paradise for what you were doing"