Strength of dispositional explanations (authoritarian personality) for obedience: research support
P - Research support from milgram.
- For authoritarian personality.
E - Elms and Milgram (1966).
- Interviewd a small sample of participants from Milgram's baseline procedure, that had been fully obedient.
- They all completeed the F-scale as part of the interview.
- These 20 obedient participants scored significantly higher on the F-scale than a comparison group of 20 disobedient participants.
- They two groups were very different in terms of authoritarianism.
- When the researchers analysed the participants F-scales, they found that obedient participants had a number of characteristics unusual for authoritarians.
- Milgram's obedient participants did not glorify their father, experience unusual levels of punishment in childhood or have particularly hostile attitudes towards their mothers.
K - Link between obedience and authoritarianism is complex.
- Some characteristics of authroitarian personality may be linked to obedience but not as a whole.