Cards (34)

  • ACT 1 SCENE 1 - Jan and mark talk in the street about a death. we don`t know who it is or how they are involved but they are (street)
  • ACT 1 SCENE 2 - leah`s first monologue she discusses 'the fear that everyone here lives in, the brutal terror. Jan and mark interrupt 'we need to talk to you'. like in all their other scenes Phil ignores her (field)
  • 'its not funny because its not a joke, if it was a joke it would be funny' - the repetitive use of the word 'joke' suggest how they are desensitised to death from extrinsic factors such as tv, film and games such as manhunt 2 which was banned due to to much violence which would have caused an increase in worrying behaviour in youths like suffocating friends with plastic bags (ACT 1 SCENE 1 STREET) - MARK
  • ' so shoot me. so kill me, Phil, call the police lock me up rip out my teeth with rusty pliers' - suicidal unhappy thoughts due to the lack of attention given to her by Phil. she talks to about 'ripping her teeth out' suggest she want to stop talking because of extrinsic factors like death and suicide is displayed everywhere in the media but no help is advertised so Leah feels she must suffer in silent (ACT 1 SCENE 2) -LEAH
  • ' the fear that everyone lives in' Leah talks about the fear the group lives being scared of bigger manipulative characters such as Phil and john Tate. however is Kelly demonstrating a bigger message. the world constantly lives in fear as there are always more powerful, evil people exploiting their power to complete unhuman things like 9/11 terrorism of war. (ACT 1 SCENE 2) - LEAH
  • ACT 1 SCENE 3 - first group scene. john Tate is the leader but he is panicking and any attempts to control the group are successful : 'you cant ban a word'. mark and Jan tell the group what they did to Adam. they don`t show any remorse or empathy. john Tate asks Phil to help. Phil is a natural leader. he gives them all a role in a plan to cover up what they have done. they don`t argue with him like they did with john Tate. John Tate isn`t seen on stage after this scene ( wood )
  • ' you know, bite their face of. or something' threat of violence shows john Tate's Machiavellian mindset always ordering but never doing. he try's to express his power within the group but trembles under the pressure as other members stand up to him so he try's to put on a brave front. (ACT 1 SCNE 3) JOHN TATE
  • ' better than ordinary life' gives us a glimpse of Cathy's psychotic mindset as it is clear she is enjoying Adams deaths. it gives us a glimpse of how Cathy's home life is which means her life must be depressing and boring. also if Cathy is watching violent tv shows and playing games and then is finally exposed to the violence she finds it 'quite exiting' ( ACT 1 SCENE 3) CATHY
  • ' that just leaves you Brian. you crying little piece of filth' john Tate expresses his intimidation and treating behaviour to gain authority. the hierarchy of the group is clearly established here john Tate proves he is at the top however it is clear Brian is at the bottom left to receive insults and order. (ACT 1 SCENE 3) JOHN TATE
  • ' chimps are evil. they murder each other' - Leah says this to suggest that the gangs behaviour is closer to chimps than bonobos. calling them evil relates to religious sins maybe referring to Adam and the group torturing him and then eventually killing him which is a human sin murdering is going against god. (ACT 1 SCENE 4) LEAH
  • ACT 1 SCENE 4 - Leah talks about chimps and bonobos. the subtext of her monologue is that the group are like chimps evil and manipulative. she links to the group torturing Adam to how chimps torture each other for better social structure ( field )
  • ACT 2 SCENE 1 - mark and Jan have another cryptic conversation : 'he`s not going'. they are talking about Brian not wanting to go back to the police station ( street )
  • ACT 2 SCENE 2 - Leah talks about happiness and what it means to be happy : 'can you remember the happiest moment of your life'. she says that human life upsets the natural order of the planet : 'its us that`s the anomaly'. she shows Phil jerry in the Tupperware box- she brutally killed him. she want to fell the same grief and guilt and the rest off the group feel because 'grief is making them happy' Jan and mark interrupt again (field)
  • ' its jerry. I killed him' Leah try's to prove to Phil she can be evil like the rest of the group. it links to tom and jerry the cartoon programme. where jerry the hamster is chased around by tom the cat being beaten up. extrinsic factors effecting children behaviours. ( ACT 2 SCENE 2) FIELD
  • ACT 2 SCENE 3 - the police arrested someone who matches the description they gave in connection with Adams disappearance. Leah is the only one who seems concerned. Cathy is exited about the idea she might be interviewed on tv : 'they might even give me money for it'. she reveals that she got DNA from a man who matched the description. they have made an innocent man looks guilty. Brian has to go back to the police to identify the man but he doesn`t wan to because he feels guilt about lying (WOOD)
  • ' we showed...initiative, we -' Cathy returns to the collective plural pronoun to shows unwillingness to take full responsibility. shares the blame to remain higher in the hierarchy of the group. (ACT 2 SCENE 3) WOODS
  • ACT 2 SCENE 4 - Phil isn`t eating but the stage directions reveal he is 'picking his teeth'. implying he has just eaten. Leah asks existential questions : 'do you think we are doomed to behave like people before us did'. this is crucial tot he title- are actions and behaviours ruled but our DNA and ancestry. she wonders if its possible to change things : ' if you change things you can change the world. do you believe that'. she optimist compared to Phil pessimistic reply 'no'. its the first time he replies to her. (FIELD)
  • ' strange time we`ve been born in' Leah ask big philosophical questions about the world and meaning of life suggesting she is outgrowing the gang mentality and wants to explore further. zeitgeist is the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time which is present here. ACT 2 SCENE 4. (FIELD)
  • ACT 3 SCENE 1 - Jan and mark discuss Adam having been found alive (STREET)
  • ACT 3 SCENE 2 - Leah threatens to leave : 'I'm running away, Phil'. she has a suitcase but she is clearly not ready to leave : 'Leah sags. drops her suitcase and sits with Phil'. Phil has waffle jam a plate and knife which he pays a lot more to more than Leah. she mentions that Adams death had a positive impact on other members of the group. Brian has been but on medication to help the suffering of guilt. (FIELD) LEAH
  • ACT 3 SCENE 3 - Adam is alive. they found him in a hedge. brains mental state has deteriorated and he is paranoid. Leah`s tries to talk to Adam kindly. but the group recognise Adams appearance is a problem for them. Adam has regressed. Leah tries to help Adam however Phil is willing to sacrifice Adam for the group and shows Cathy and Brian how to kill Adam with a plastic bag ( WOOD)
  • ' I threatened to gouge one of his eyes out' - sociopathic and psychopath behaviour. it shows Cathy's free will to do as she pleases and boasts about her actions and behaviour. extrinsic factors may have affected this behaviour. (ACT 3 SCENE 3) WOOD - CATHY
  • ' crawl, crawling in this dark' - Adam shows animal like behaviour like a child. regressive behaviour no progress since being in the bush. ( ACT 3 SCENE 3) WOOD - ADAM
  • 'I'm in charge. everyone is happier. what more important ; one person or everyone' Phil expresses his authority and leader ship. Phil doesn`t care about morality. he sacrifices for the good of the group and point out the worth op Adam who is at the bottom on the hierarchy. (ACT 3 SCENE 3) WOOD -PHIL
  • ACT 3 SCENE 4 - Phil is eating starburst. Leah is crying. he gives her a sweet and spits it out. she gets up and leaves. Phil calls after her. (FIELD)
  • ACT 4 SCNE 1 - mark and Jan discuss the fact that Leah has left and gone to a different school. she hasn`t told anyone she is leaving STREET
  • ACT 4 SCENE 2 - Richard replaces Leah in the field with phil. Phil isn`t eating suggesting he is affect by Leah leaving. Danny has started the dental college but hates it. Cathy is in charge and cuts a first years figure off. Lou is Cathy`s best friend. John Tate has found god. Brian is on stronger medication. Jan and mark have taken up shop lifting (FIELD)
  • Phil is a leader of the group for most of the play. natural alpha in groups hierarchy. almost always eating. nihilistic he doesn`t believe are actions have moral consequences. Machiavellian prepared to sacrifice the group for himself. emotionally abuses Leah by ignoring her
  • Leah is presented as insecure and anxious. she is intelligent, curious and self critical. the most moral character of the play. asks philosophical questions. tries to save Adam
  • John Tate takes credit for groups status in school. leader at the start of the play but quickly hands over to phil. used by Kelly to explore contracting leadership style. cannot cope with pressure of protecting the group so leaves to join 'Jesus army'
  • Cathy enjoys dramatic element of Adams death. has a desire to be seen as a celebrity. gradually gets more violet as the play goes on. Phil relies on her at the end to suffocate Adam with a plastic bag, she was the only one that would actually do it
  • Brian is the weakest member of the group throughout the play. always crying symbolising guilt. he is made to go to police as he is a believable character. Suffers a nervous breakdown as a result of guilt he feels
  • Jan and Mark chorus characters who narrate events which have taken place offstage. they don`t give a lot of information away
  • Adam is only see in one scene but is described as being tortured. he is not considered part of the gang but seen as a target. Adam is used more as a device for Kelly to explore the traits of other characters, rather than a character in his own right