Periodic compressions of air, water, or other media
Intensity of a sound wave
Number of compressions per second, measured in hertz (Hz)
Perceived aspect of sound related to frequency
Tone quality or tone complexity
Conveying emotional information by tone of voice
Outer ear
Pinna helps locate sound source
Auditory canal
Middle ear
Tympanic membrane vibrates
Three tiny bones transmit vibrations to oval window
Inner ear
Cochlea contains hair cells that respond to fluid vibrations
Auditory nerve transmits signals
Place theory
Basilar membrane has areas tuned to specific frequencies
Frequency theory
Basilar membrane vibrates in synchrony with sound, causing auditory nerve to fire at same frequency
Volley principle
Auditory nerve produces volleys of impulses for sounds up to 4000 Hz
Basilar membrane
Stiff at base, floppy at apex
Hair cells along membrane act as tuned resonators
4% of people have amusia, impaired detection of frequency changes
Absolute pitch
Ability to identify a note by hearing it
Pitch information reaches some parts of the brain and not others
Many relatives of a person with amusia have the same condition, so it probably has a genetic basis
People with amusia have a thicker than average auditory cortex in the right hemisphere but fewer than average connections from it to the frontal cortex
Brain's response to hearing two slightly different tones in people with amusia
Initial response is about the same as in other people, indicating the ears are properly registering the information, but they fail to process the information further
P300 wave
A strong wave of brain activity about 3/10 second later that is produced by a changed or surprising stimulus, but a small change in sound fails to produce that wave in people with amusia
Absolute pitch
The ability to hear a note and identify it
Absolute pitch
Genetic predisposition contributes, but early musical training is also important
Not everyone with musical training develops absolute pitch, but almost everyone with absolute pitch had early musical training
More common among people who speak tonal languages where the meaning of a sound depends on its pitch, so people learn from infancy to pay close attention to slight changes of pitch
Through which mechanism do we perceive low-frequency sounds (up to about 100 Hz)?
How do we perceive middle-frequency sounds (100 to 4000 Hz)?
How do we perceive high-frequency sounds (above 4000 Hz)?
What evidence suggests that amusia depends on special experiences?
Auditory cortex
Organization strongly parallels that of the visual cortex, with a "what" pathway sensitive to patterns of sound and a "where" pathway sensitive to sound location
Just as the visual cortex is active during visual imagery, area A1 responds to imagined sounds as well as real ones
Development depends on experience, as rearing an animal in constant noise impairs auditory development
Damage to the primary auditory cortex does not produce deafness, but just impairs processing of information
Tonotopic map
The auditory cortex provides a map of sounds with an area responsive to lower tones up to areas responsive to higher and higher tones
Cells in auditory cortex
Some are tuned sharply to a single tone, others respond to neighboring tones
Most respond best to a complex sound with a dominant tone and several harmonics
Surrounding the primary auditory cortex are areas that respond best to identifiable, meaningful sounds
Conductive deafness results from diseases, infections, or tumorous bone growth preventing the middle ear from transmitting sound waves properly to the cochlea
Nerve deafness results from damage to the cochlea, hair cells, or auditory nerve, and can be inherited, result from disease, or exposure to loud noises
Frequent or constant ringing in the ears, sometimes due to a phenomenon similar to phantom limb where damage to part of the cochlea leads to axons representing other parts of the body invading the auditory cortex
Hearing problems in older people despite hearing aids
Brain areas responsible for language comprehension become less active, possibly due to prolonged degradation of auditory input
Decrease in inhibitory neurotransmitters in auditory portions of the brain makes it harder to suppress irrelevant sounds and attend to the important one
Auditory cortex has delayed, spread-out responses to each sound, so the response to one sound partly overlaps the response to another
Nerve deafness would be more common among members of rock bands due to exposure to loud noises damaging the synapses and neurons of the auditory system
Reasons older people have trouble hearing speech despite hearing aids
Brain areas responsible for language comprehension become less active
Decrease in inhibitory neurotransmitters makes it harder to suppress irrelevant sounds and attend to the important one
Auditory cortex has delayed, spread-out responses to each sound
Sound localization
Determining the direction and distance of a sound by comparing the responses of the two ears, using differences in time of arrival and intensity between the ears
Labeled-line code
Each receptor responds to a limited range of stimuli, and the meaning depends entirely on which neurons are active
Across-fiber pattern code
Each receptor responds to a wider range of stimuli, and the meaning depends on the pattern across receptors