Recovery of G

Cards (15)

  • Who was Gustav Stresemann & what did he do for Germany during 1924-29?
    - German statesman who served as chancellor in 1923 (for 102 days)
    - during Weimar Republic he served as foreign minister (1923-29)
    - Most noble achievement: the reconciliation between Germany & France
    - co-laureate of at the Nobel Peace prize in 1926
    - gernerally seen as the most influential cabinet minister
  • How did Stresemann stables the German currency after the hyperinflation crisis?

    1923 NOV:
    - introduced a new currency as a temporary solution (RETENMARK) & the amount of money printed was tightly controlled
    - based the value of it on G's industrial & agricultural worth
    - new independent national bank (REICHSBANK) was given control of the new currency
    - Rentenmark was replaced by the permanent REICHSMARK
  • What was positive about the Reichsmark?

    - people in G & other countries could rely on it
    - restored faith in G's financial system
  • What was the Dawes plan 1924?
    - USA loaned G 800 million gold marks - gave a massive boost to G industry
    - reparation payments were lowered to 1,000 million marks for the first 5 years, to make them more affordable - after this they would be increased to 2,500 million
    - Allies agreed to review payment rate over time - to take account of G's economic situation & ability to pay
    - French agreed to withdraw troops from the Ruhr - also agreed that any missed payments in future would be dealt with by the Allies together
    - Allies were given some control of Reichsbank & railways in G
  • What was the effect of the Dawes plan on G?
    - helped to restore their economy
    - led to further loans from the USA
    --- over the next 6 years, G received 25 billion + marks in loans
    ------- allowed German industry to recover
  • What was the Young Plan 1929?
    - total reparations bill was reduced to around $8 billion
    - payments were to be made over 59 years, at a rate of $473 million per year
    - G was only obliged to pay 1/3 of the annual sum each year - it should pay the rest if it could afford to do so
  • What was the effect of the Young Plan on G?
    - allowed gov to reduces taxes & released funds that were used to boost the G industry & create hobs for workers
  • What happened in the end with the Dawes & Young plan?
    - foreign investment left G economy open to any risks if there were problems in the world economy as recovery was based largely of American loans
    - in the 1929 Wall Street crash the Americans could not afford to loan any money to G & in 1931 the G economy also crashed & the allies agreed to suspend reparation payments
    - however when Hitler came to power in 1933, he had no intention of paying reparations
  • What was the Locarno pact 1925?

    - G agreed to accept its new western borders & all countries involved with the pact agreed to avoid military force except in self-defence
    - G agreed that Alsace-Lorraine would be French - in return France agreed not to occupy the Ruhr again
    - all parties agreed that G's easter borders could be settled by 'peaceful means
  • What countries signed the Locarno pact?
    - Germany
    - France
    - Belgium
    - Italy
    - Britain
    - Czechoslovakia
    - Poland
  • How did the Locarno Pact help Germany?

    - made peace in Europe more likely
    - - - G was being treated as an equal to the other powers
    - the agreement to not use military force provided important reassurance for France & G bc they shared a long border & the last invasion (Ruhr) didn't go well
  • What was the League of Nations 1926?
    - formed at the end of WW1 - new international organisation which allowed powerful countries to discuss ways of solving world problems w/o using military force
    - G was not initially invited
    - Stresemann persuaded the other great powers to allow G to join
  • What was significant abt G joining the League of Nations?

    - if they were a member they were included in making important decisions
    - positive step for moderate political parties who supported Stresemann's diplomatic policies & his attempts to improve relations w other great powers
    - increased Germans confidence in the Weimar regime bc they could see the their country was once more accepted into the 'international family
  • What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928?
    - aim was to prevent a future war by getting countries to promise not to use military force to settle disagreements
    - 62 countries signed in August 1928
  • How did the Kellogg-Briand pact benefit G?
    - showed a clear improvement in G's relations with other countries
    - G had been excluded from the negotiations that led to TOV however now G was included in the main powers once again
    - clear that the Weimar Republic was now a respected, stable state - had recovered from its troubled beginning
    - pact gave the German public more confidence that the moderate political parties could be trusted to make G strong again