What did Hitler do to reorganise the NZ party between 1924-28?
- created a national HQ in Munich
- divided G into 34 districts & appointed a leading Nz to increase support in each district
- 1926: called a party conference in Bamberg where he was confirmed as leader & he persuaded members to re-adopt the 25 point plan
- encouraged more young people to join SA & set up the Hitler Youth
- established a new private bodyguard (SS)
- Goebbels (edited Nazi newspaper & in charge of propaganda) emphasised Nz's opposition to Jews (message became very popular)
- Nzs held public meetings across G & trained members to be effective public speakers
- established various organisations (E.G. Women's League) to take its message to particular grps of people
- party concentrated on winning support of farmers bc G's agriculture was suffering badly in the late 1920s