Rise of Hitler/Nazis

Cards (29)

  • What were the origins of the Nazi Party?
    - began with the German Workers' party who believed:
    --- democracy was weak & a powerful leader was needed to rebuild G's strength
    --- Jews were to blame for making G weak
    --- communists & socialists had brought abt the fall of the Kaiser
    --- socialist Weimar politicians had betrayed G by signing the TOV
  • What happened in 1920 in the German Workers' Party?
    - H put in charge of propaganda & played an important role in increasing party membership
    - H and Drexler rewrote the aims of the party (in 25 point programme)
    - party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) or the Nazi Party
  • What happened in 1921 in the NZ party

    - H became party leader & party aims were kept deliberately vague - so they would appeal to many diff groups in G
    - nationalists were keen on the destruction of the TOV
    - people who wanted some1 to blame for G's problems & defeat in WW1 are attracted by the party's anti-Semitism
    - the middle classes & big businesses like H's anti-communist ideas
  • What were the Sturmabteilung (SA)?
    - in 1921 H set up the SA (sometimes called the stormtroopers)
    - Ernst Röhm (1 of H's loyal supporters @ the time) became leader of the SA
    - members were provided with uniforms (brown shirts), meals & hostel accommodation
    - created as a paramilitary force who's role was to disrupt meetings of opposing political parties & control crowds @ NZ meetings
    - SA paraded the streets as a show of force & to demonstrate H's strength & their power / organisation impressed many people
  • What were the causes of the Munich Putsch?
    - 1918-1923, many Germans were angry abt the reparations (stab-in-the-back) & loss of G colonies & as a result support for nationalist parties like NZ had grown significantly
    - leaders of the Bavarian state gov were hostile to Weimar & agreed with NZ " agreed to ignore SA violence " H knew he would have supporting Munich
    - 1923 G's economy worsened & when hyperinflation reached its peak in Nov, H saw an opp to take power
    - NZ's influenced by the Fascists (Italian right wing party) & copied their violent approach to take power
    - H believed the NZ party was ready to seize power with its 20,000 supporters & its SA
    - H had built a close relationship with the former army leader and he believed he could persuade the army to support the party against the gov
  • What happened on 8 Nov 1923?

    - a right-wing meeting was held in a Munich beer hall
    - H & his SA supporters stormed the beer hall
    - H forced Kahr & Lossow (who were speaking at the meeting) to support his plan to march to Berlin & install Ludendoff as G's leader
    - members of the SA used violence & intimidation against members of Bavarian state gov
    - Lossow & Kahr swore loyalty to he Putsch & left the beer hall
  • What happened on 9 Nov 1923?

    - President Ebert declared a state of emergency & Lossow was told to crush the uprising
    - Lossow & Kuhr announced their opposition to the Putsch
    - Ludendorff believed the soldiers would give him their support & persuaded H not to give up
  • What happened on MIDDAY on the 9 Nov 1923?
    - 2000 NZs & their supporters marched into Munich, aiming to take over vital buildings in the city
    - armed police & soldiers confronted them
    - fire was exchanged & 14 NZs were killed
  • What happened on 11 Nov 1923?

    - H was arrested & awaited his trial
  • What were the effects of the Munich Putsch?

    - H was put on trial however H used this as a stage where he made speeches attacking the gov & claimed the leaders of Weimar gov were the traitors not him
    - since H was very convincing newspapers portrayed him as a nationalist standing up for G rights & his popularity grew
  • What were the effects of the trial after the Munich Putsch?
    - his speeches impressed the judges " him & 3 others were found guilty of treason & were sentenced to 5 yrs in jail (light sentence)
    - however he only spent abt 9 months in jail bc he won an early release
    - the fact that the judges gave them a light sentence showed that there were still powerful forces in G who wanted Weimar gov destroyed
    - H's imprisonment gave him the opp to write his book that outlined his beliefs (Mein Kampf)
    - however NZ party was banned
  • When was the ban on the NZ party lifted?
    February 1925
  • What did Hitler do to reorganise the NZ party between 1924-28?
    - created a national HQ in Munich
    - divided G into 34 districts & appointed a leading Nz to increase support in each district
    - 1926: called a party conference in Bamberg where he was confirmed as leader & he persuaded members to re-adopt the 25 point plan
    - encouraged more young people to join SA & set up the Hitler Youth
    - established a new private bodyguard (SS)
    - Goebbels (edited Nazi newspaper & in charge of propaganda) emphasised Nz's opposition to Jews (message became very popular)
    - Nzs held public meetings across G & trained members to be effective public speakers
    - established various organisations (E.G. Women's League) to take its message to particular grps of people
    - party concentrated on winning support of farmers bc G's agriculture was suffering badly in the late 1920s
  • What are 2 effects of Hitler's reorganisation of the Nazi Party 1924-28?

    - Nz party was well organised & had a membership of over 100,000 (due to H's efforts in reaching out to diff grps of people (women & young))
    - however they had little success in gaining seats in the Reichstag (1924 won 32 seats - 1928 won 12 seats)
    ---- this was due to Stresemann's efforts that gave the people more confidence in the gov & less need to vote for extreme parties
  • When was the Wall Street Crash?
    October 1929
  • What was the effects if the Great Depression on young people?
    - 1933 more than 50% of people aged 16-30 were unemployed
    -- even people with a good level of education could not find work
  • What was the effects if the Great Depression on factory workers?
    - 4/10 could not get a job
    - unemployment benefits were reduced by the gov " they suffered
    - food prices are high & many unemployed people couldn't afford 2 eat
  • What was the effects if the Great Depression on farmers?

    - since the mid -1920s farmers had been struggling bc the price of their goods were galling
    - many farmers were in debt
    - economic problems in rural areas led to an increase in support for Nzs
    - Nzs used existing farmers' organisations to spread their influence & take advantage of the economic troubles that farmers faced
  • What was the effects if the Great Depression on businessmen?
    - those who managed 2 keep their businesses struggled bc people had less money to spend on goods
    - this was partly bc many people were unemployed & partly bc of gov tac rises
  • What were the effects of the Great Depression on the Weimar Republic?

    - SDP & Centr party (the 2 main parties in the coalition gov) fell out over their diff views on how to solve this crisis
    - Muller (SDP) resigned & Brüning (Centre) became chancellor
    - Brüning didn't have majority in Reichstag so asked President Hindenburg to use Article 48
    - " from 1930 G was not run as a democracy & the Reichstag met only occasionally & G was effectively controlled by Hindenburg
    - Brüning introduced several unpopular measures: tax rises & further cuts 2 unemployment benefit (these greatly increased suffering of the G people)
    - Nzs gave people scapegoats - claimed that G's problems had been caused by Jews, Communists & Weimar politicians
    - 1930 election: Nzs won 107 seats & Comms won 77 seats
  • Explain the link between the Wall Street Crash & the economic depression in Germany?
    - in order to pay loans back to US, they had to cut spending & revise taxed " leaving more people without jobs
    - WSC affected G bc they were not getting any more loans form the US & also the US called in the loans they had given them as they suddenly needed more money
  • What 3 methods did the Nazis use to win support during the Great Depression?

    - the appeal of Hitler
    - activities of the SA
    - skilful use of propaganda
  • How did the Nazis use the appeal of Hitler to win support?
    - during election campaigns 1930-32 H was presented as the strong leader that G needed (H developed a powerful & convincing personal style when making speeches)
    - he said that G's last hope was him & he promised a better future (messages very popular w people who were desperate for G to be great again - while also appealing to many diff groups across G)
    - powerful business interests were willing to support H & provide financial backing for his campaign with the aim of stopping the rise of communist support
  • How did the Nazis use the role of the SA to win support?
    - 1930: SA had 400,000 members & their presence @ NZ party rallies helped NZs appear strong
    --- @ rallies SA used lights & symbols of power (swords/flags) to reinforce the idea that the NZs could bring a better future for G
    - SA disrupted the meeting of political opponents
    - elections of 1930-32: SA used violence 2 threaten opposition & those voting
  • How did the Nazis use election propaganda to win support?

    - parades & marches organised by mobile NZ units - included both political speeches & entertainments such as plays, concerts, sport
    - NZs owned 8 diff newspapers - each paper aimed to sell the NZ message to a particular audience
    - huge rallies were held to demonstrate order & discipline of the NZ party
    - posters were designed to target diff grps in G - messages were deliberately clear & simple
  • What happened in the 1932 elections?
    - July: NZs biggest party in Reichstag w 37% of the vote
    - April: H polled 13 mill votes for President but in the end was beaten by Hindenburg (despite this H had become a major political figure)
    - Brüning tried to use a presidential decree to ban SA & SS bc there had been considerable political unrest
    - however an ambitious army generational (von Schleicher) removed Brüning & replaced him with a coalition of army officers, rich landowners & industrialists - then persuaded Hindenburg to sack Brüning as chancellor
  • What role did von Papen play?
    - von Schleicher was determined to take control so decided that a wealthy politician (Papen) would make a suitable figurehead for a new coalition
    - H had a place in the coalition however Sch dramatically underestimated H's ability to manipulate the situation
    - coalition led by Papen was weak & H argued he should be chancellor however Hind refused bc he hated H
    - Papen called another election & while NZ position was weakened they still remained largest party in Reichstag
    - " von Papen resigned
  • What happened in December 1932?
    - Hindenburg appointed von Schleicher as chancellor
    - Sch asked Hind to suspend the constitution & give him special powers bc he though Papen & H were trying to overthrow him
    - however Hind refused & news of his request lost Sch support in the Reichstag
  • Why & when did Hindenburg appoint H as chancellor?

    - 30 Jan 1933
    - bc von Papen was determined to take power & though he would be able to control H from the background
    - Papen persuaded Hind to make him vice-chancellor & H chancellor