KEYIDEA = crime is a groupresponse to unequalaccess to society's goal of wealth
STATUS FRUSTRATION = working class boys end up at the bottom of the schools status hierarchy and feel frustrated and worthless
SUBCULTURES = they offer a solution by providing an alternativestatushierarchy in which society's values are inverted. they gainstatus by being deviant
Cloward and Ohlin 3 subcultures
Different neighbourhoods give rise to different types of deviant subcultures
Cloward and Ohlin show how different types of neighbourhoods give rise to different illegitimateopportunities and subcultures
these theories show how subcultures preform a function for their members by offering solutions to the problem of failing to achieve goals legitimately.
limitations of subcultural theories:
ignores crime of wealthy and overestimates crime in working class
actual subcultures are not as clear cut as Cloward and Ohlin state. some people show all 3 types
assume everyone starts with mainstream goals and turns to a subculture when they fail to achieve them. however some people don't show these goals and may be attracted to crime for other reasons