Important Psych People

Cards (46)

  • Wilhelm Wundt
    Made the first Psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879. He was the founder of structuralism.
  • William James

    He was the founder of functionalism and published the very first Psychology textbook.
  • Ivan Pavlov

    Worked with the dog experiment for classical conditioning.
  • Sigmund Freud
    He emphasized unconscious motivations and was the the founder of psychoanalysis. He liked to interpret dreams and studied defense mechanisms in people. Made the 4 stage psychosexual theory of personality development (Oral, anal, phallic, and genital).
  • Alfred Binet
    The creator of the first intelligence test with Theodore Simon.
  • Edward Throndike
    He created the law of effect that provided the basis of behaviorism.
  • John Watson
    The founder of behaviorism that created the experiment with little Albert.
  • Jean Piaget

    She developed the 4 stage theory of cognitive development (sesorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational).
  • Benjamin Whorf
    He created Whorf's Hypothesis about language influences on cognition.
  • Erik Erikson

    He created the 8 stage theory of psychiosocial development (conflicts that yield certain personality characteristics depending on the resolution).
  • Carl Rogers

    Worked with humanistic psychology that involved client-centered therapy and unconditional positive regard.
  • B.F. Skinner
    He worked with operant conditioning and created the reinforcement theory. He directed the experiment with the rat and and a lever in a box concerning rewards enforcement.
  • Harry Harlow
    He worked with development and studied the attachment styles of monkeys to their mothers.
  • Solomon Asch
    Studied conformity and performed the line length study.
  • Abraham Maslow
    He was a humanistic psychologist who studied human psychological needs, motivation, emotion, and self-actualization.
  • Mary Ainsworth and Stanley Schachter

    They studied development in attachment styles of infants. Created the two-factor theory of emotion and the "strange situation" between infants and strangers.
  • Albert Bandura
    He studied learning and created the social-learning theory for modeling through his Bobo doll experiment.
  • Lawrence Kohlberg
    He studied development and created the 3 stage theory of moral development (pre-conventional, conventional, and post conventional).
  • Noam Chomsky

    He worked with cognition (language development) and studied nativism.
  • Stanley Milgram

    He studied obedience to authority by performing an experiment that delivered shocks to a learner.
  • Phil Zimbardo

    He is best known for his morally questionable experiment the Stanford Prison Experiment and focused on the importance of social roles.
  • Howard Gardner
    Created the theory of multiple intelligences.
  • Elizabeth Loftus
    She focused on the unreliability of an eyewitnesses testimony because she theorized that memory acts as an active construction.
  • Wilhelm Wundt
    Made the first Psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879. He was the founder of structuralism.
  • William James

    He was the founder of functionalism and published the very first Psychology textbook.
  • Ivan Pavlov
    Worked with the dog experiment for classical conditioning.
  • Sigmund Freud
    He emphasized unconscious motivations and was the the founder of psychoanalysis. He liked to interpret dreams and studied defense mechanisms in people. Made the 4 stage psychosexual theory of personality development (Oral, anal, phallic, and genital).
  • Alfred Binet
    The creator of the first intelligence test with Theodore Simon.
  • Edward Throndike

    He created the law of effect that provided the basis of behaviorism.
  • John Watson

    The founder of behaviorism that created the experiment with little Albert.
  • Jean Piaget

    She developed the 4 stage theory of cognitive development (sesorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational).
  • Benjamin Whorf
    He created Whorf's Hypothesis about language influences on cognition.
  • Erik Erikson

    He created the 8 stage theory of psychiosocial development (conflicts that yield certain personality characteristics depending on the resolution).
  • Carl Rogers
    Worked with humanistic psychology that involved client-centered therapy and unconditional positive regard.
  • B.F. Skinner
    He worked with operant conditioning and created the reinforcement theory. He directed the experiment with the rat and and a lever in a box concerning rewards enforcement.
  • Harry Harlow
    He worked with development and studied the attachment styles of monkeys to their mothers.
  • Solomon Asch
    Studied conformity and performed the line length study.
  • Abraham Maslow
    He was a humanistic psychologist who studied human psychological needs, motivation, emotion, and self-actualization.
  • Mary Ainsworth and Stanley Schachter
    They studied development in attachment styles of infants. Created the two-factor theory of emotion and the "strange situation" between infants and strangers.
  • Albert Bandura
    He studied learning and created the social-learning theory for modeling through his Bobo doll experiment.