Cards (68)

    A type of ethics where actual application of ethical or moral theories for the purpose of deciding which ethical or moral actions are appropriate.
  • Disaster
    A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts
  • 18-22 Typhoons
    How many averages of Typhoons of Philippines every year since it is located in the Typhoon Belt?
  • Ethics
    The study of the moral behavior, or conduct of man as viewed from ultimate principles
  • Republic Act No. 101211
    What Republic Act was designated for The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Act of 2010?
  • National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)

    The highest policy-making regarding disaster risk reduction and management in the country
  • Metaethics
    The type of Ethics where it aims to understand that nature and dynamics of ethical principles and the way we learn and acquire moral beliefs. It asks the question: "what is good?"
  • Disaster Risk Reduction
    A proactive approach to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risks to minimize loss of life, livelihood and property
  • Moral
    A holding or manifesting high principles for proper conduct
  • Disaster Risk Management
    A range of activities that contribute to increasing capacities and reducing immediate and long-term vulnerabilities to prevent or at least minimize damage impact in a community
    It is more to be praised than outstanding talent. We have to build it piece by piece– by thought, choice, courage.
  • Moral Behavior
    A physical action or attitude that aligns with the principles of specific ethical system
  • Republic Act No. 7877
    It was passed into law in 1997 to provide protection for women into the areas of employment, education, and training.
  • Dilemma
    A situation where a person is forced to choose between two or more conflicting options
  • Republic Act No. 11313 or Safe Spaces Act
    It was passed in 2019, provides enhanced protection in three areas and penalties for any gender-based sexual harassment.
    What object of ethics does consists of human acts?
    How about the morality of human acts for the object of Ethics?
  • Normative Ethics

    The type of Ethics that seeks to set norms or standards that regulate right and wrong or good or bad conduct and urges us to do good at all times
  • Non-moral Standards
    This concept tells us that we judge what is good or bad and right and wrong in a nonmoral way: subjective
  • Ontological Dilemma
    It is a type of Moral Dilemma where both options are equal; neither of the conflicting moral requirements overrides each other.
  • Single-agent Dilemma
    A type of Moral Dilemma where it was compelled to act on two or more equally the same moral options but she cannot choose both
  • Self-imposed Dilemma
    It is also a type of Moral Dilemma where it was caused by the moral agent's wrongdoings
  • World-imposed Dilemma
    It is a type of Moral Dilemma where it was a factor outside of the self-prompted the dilemma
  • Prohibition Dilemma
    A type of Moral Dilemma where the cases in which all feasible actions are forbidden; miotic perspective
  • Obligation Dilemma
    Also a type of Moral Dilemma where situations in which more than one feasible action is obligatory
  • Multi-person Dilemma
    A type of Moral Dilemma where it involves several persons; requires more than choosing what is right, it entails that the persons involved reach a general consensus
  • Epistemic Dilemma
    A type of Moral Dilemma where the other option is obviously better than the other
  • Multi-person Dilemma
    Occurs in situations that involve several persons like a family, an organization, or a community about moral issue at hand
  • Thomas Aquinas
    He's a son of a noble family in the kingdom of Sicily. He wrote his reasoned propositions based on certainties revealed by God. And also wrote summaries of Catholic doctrine
  • Thomas Aquinas
    He's the Patron Saint of Catholic Schools and students
  • Divine Law
    The kind of law that guided people beyond world to "eternal happiness" had called the "City of God"
  • Natural Law
    The kind of law that human beings and all use reason to lead their lives
  • Eternal Law
    The kind of law that God's providential design that all created things would attain their proper end.
  • Human Law
    The kind of law that defined law as an "ordinance of reason for the common good."
  • Deontology

    The study that refers to the study of Duty and Obligation and the main proponent is Immanuel Kant
  • Utilitarianism
    The moral doctrine that asserts that we should always act so as to produce the greatest possible ration of good to evil. It also answers the question, "What make a moral act right?". Asserting the GREATEST HAPPINESS OF ALL
    An organism has the ability to perceive and navigate its external environment.
    The faculty to intervene in the world
  • Virtue
    An excellent trait of character. It is a disposition, well embedded in its possessor
    It means that society is made happier if its citizens are able to live their lives knowing that their interests are protected and that society as a whole defends it.