Book 10 - Circe

Cards (30)

  • Where is the first place Odysseus arrives?
  • ‘Zeus had put 

    him in charge of the winds’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘We who have gone every

    bit as far come home with empty hands’ [ Crew-mate ]
  • ‘Come one: lets find out and

    see how much gold and silver is hidden in that bag’ [ Crew-mate ]
  • ‘I debated within myself whether

    to jump overboard and drown or stay among the living and quietly endure’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘An untrustworthy crew and 

    a fatal sleep were my downfall’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘The world holds no one more 

    Damnable than you, and it is not right for me to entertain and equip a man detested by the gods’ [ Aeolus ]
  • ’We left the island and 

    resumed our journey in a state of gloom’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘They were confronted by 

    Antiphates’ wife, a woman of mountainous proportions; the sight of her appalled them‘ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘Who promptly made his murderous
    intentions clear, pouncing on one of my men to eat him for supper’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘My ship was 

    safe. But that was the end of all the rest’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘Aeaea, the home of the beautiful
    Circe, a formidable goddess, with a mortal woman’s voice’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘Prowling about the place were
    mountain wolves and lions that Circe had bewitched with her magic drugs’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘They could hear Circe within, singing 

    in her beautiful voice as she went to and fro at her great and everlasting loom’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘Eurylochus suspected a 

    trap and stayed outside’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘But into this dish she introduced 

    a noxious drug, to make them lose all memory of their native land’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘He was in such
    anguish that he could not utter a single word’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘I was nearing the sorceress’s
    palace when I met Hermes’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘However, I will save you

    and deliver you from your trouble’ [ Hermes ]
  • ’I will tell
    you exactly what to do’ [ Hermes ]
  • ‘For never before have I known

    a man who could resist that drug once he had taken it and swallowed it down’ [ Circe ]
  • ‘I am sure you are

    Odysseus, that resourceful man’ [ Circe ]
  • ‘Nothing, goddess, would induce me to

    come into your bed unless you can bring yourself to swear a solemn oath that you have no other mischief in store for me‘ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘They became men again and

    looked younger, and much more handsome and taller than before’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘It was this man’s
    reckless folly that cost them their lives’ [ Eurylochus ]
  • ‘I considered drawing the long

    sword from my sturdy side and lopping his head off to roll in the dust, even though he was a close kinsman of mine’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘We stayed on day after
    day for a whole year, feasting on lavish quantities of meat and mellow wine‘ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘My loyal companions
    called me aside one day and said’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘He broke his neck
    and his should went to Hades’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ’When a god wished to 

    remain unseen, what eye can observe his coming or going?’ [ Odysseus ]