Two-letter codes used in fare construction to determine the routing to which the fare applies
Means Western Hemisphere, travel wholly within TC 1
Means Eastern Hemisphere, between Area 2 and Area 3 via Eastern Hemisphere (other than TS/RU/FE) within Area 2 or within Area 3
Means Atlantic, travel between TC 1 and TC 2/3 via the Atlantic Ocean other than SA (South Atlantic)
Means South Atlantic, travel between ABCPU and TC 3, Applicable between ABCPU and TC 3 via the Atlantic Ocean via Southern Africa, Central Africa, and the Indian Ocean islands
Means Trans-pacific or via the Pacific Route, Travel between TC 1 and TC 2/3 via both North America and North/ Central Pacific, Not applicable for routings on non-stop services between Canada/USA and South Asian Subcontinent
Means Pacific North, Travel between TC 1 and TC 3 (SWP Only) via North America, Not applicable via North and Central Pacific
Means Atantic Pacific, Travel across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Means Russian Route, Travel via the Russian Route, With a sector having a non-stop service between Russia and Europe and JAP/KOR but not via another countries in Europe
Means Trans-Siberian, Travel via the Trans-Siberian Route, With a sector of having a non stop service between TC2 and JAP/KOR, Applicable with a sector having a non stop service between Russia in Europe and JAP/KOR; via another countries in TC 2
Means Far East, Travel via the Far East Route, With a sector of having non stop service between Russia and Europe or Ukraine and points in TC 3 other than JAP/KOR