does not care about this woman as he reduces her to a body part
suggests she is a prostitute
shows he is willing to use women
“I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.”
Always an exclamation at the end of her name - creates a natural caesura so her name is paused on, which adds emphasis
“I cried for the madder music and for the stronger wine.”
craves the way she makes him feel
negative connotations - shouldn’t want it but he does
unhealthy coping strategies
”Dawson’s poems depict a world of grey shadows in which bright colours belong to a fleeting, lost existence.” - Stephanie Kuduk Welher
Written during the 1890 Decadent movement which was full of excess and artificiality
Written by Ernest Dowson who wrote a lot about love but never had any reciprocated. He led a troubled life of poetry, had problems with drugs and alcohol and was in love with a girl half his age which tormented him.
ABACD rhyme scheme
Unconventional love poetry form
The 5th line of every stanza is shorter than the others