GOVT test 4

Cards (33)

  • SNAP
    supplemental nutritional assistance program for low income families
  • TANF
    temporary assistance for needy families. gives financial and medical assistance to families with children.
  • Revenue Sources
    General Revenue Fund, Dedicated Fund, Economic Stabilization Fund
  • General Revenue Fund (GR)

    Unrestricted, different departments compete for more money. The most critical fund in the state treasury. Available for general appropriations.
  • Dedicated Fund
    No competition and can only be appropriated or used for designated purposes. Restricted fund.
  • Economic Stabilization Fund

    Rainy Day Fund. Operates like a savings account for the state to be used for an emergency or unprecedented event.
  • Expenditure
    How the state decides to use its money.
  • Types of Taxes
    What you buy, what you earn, what you own.
  • Budget process
    determines how money is spent
  • Budget Bill
    A law that must be passed during a regular session
  • RS
    regular session
  • SS
    special session
  • Dual Budgeting Appropriations Act 

    Legislative Branch (LBB), and the Executive Branch (GOBP)
  • LBB
    Legislative Budget Board
  • GOBP
    Governors Office of Budget and Policy
  • LBB is a joint committee of the legislature that 

    makes budget recommendations, estimates current services costs, and anticipates two-year citizen service needs.
  • GOBP makes budget recommendations and 

    submits proposals to the legislature. Includes objectives.
  • conference committee
    resolves differences between bills
  • budget bill & governor
    Governor can sign or veto the bill
  • veto types 

    Governor can veto the entire bill or line item veto
  • budget execution (two special people)
    auditor and comptroller
  • auditor
    helps prepare and supervise the general revenue fund
  • comptroller
    issues the biennial revenue estimate, tells legislature how much money it can spend over a two year period. Must certify that revenue covers spending.
  • public policy (action)

    citizen problems, wants the government to resolve those problems, and wants government action.
  • medicaid
    health coverage for low income
  • medicare
    health coverage for age (65+) and disability.
  • Texas Unemployment Compensation Act 

    Relating to unemployment, funded by payroll tax, authorizes money to workers who lose their job, can earn compensation form the state. Law is implemented by TWC
  • TWC
    texas workforce commission
  • Texas Workers Compensation Act 

    relating to unemployment, division of workers compensation, provides pay and benefits to employees with a work-related injury. Also known as workers comp. Law is implemented by TDI
  • TDI
    texas department of insurance
  • DWC
    division of workers compensation
  • TEKS
    texas essential knowledge and skills
  • texas commission on jail standards 

    implement a declared state policy that all county jail facilities conform to minimum construction, maintenance and operation standards.