A being who is capable of acting with reference to right and wrong.
Those agents expected to meet the demands of morality (choosing between good and evil).
Kantianversion of moral agent
The agents should have the capacity to rise above their feelings and passions and act for the sake of the moral law.
Characteristics of Moral Agent
A person who has the ability to discernright from wrong and to be heldaccountable for his or her ownactions.
An aggregate of the learned beliefs, attitudes, values, norms and customs of a society or group of people, shared by them and transmitted from generation to generation within that society.
Culture can be viewed as
"blessing" and a preserver of values, heritage, arts and good behavior.
Types of Culture
High Culture
Cultural Diversity
Popular Culture
is linked with the elite, upper class society, those families and individuals with an ascribed status
Is a concept relating to culturally embedded differences within society, it's the fact that different cultures exist alongside each other.
Enjoyed by a small group within society In this sense it is a minority part of majority culture.
It borrows the idea from high culture and popularizes it, making it available for the masses
It is depicted to be very similar to cultural diversity, other definitions align multiculturalism with different ethnic groups living alongside each other.
Global Culture
Is a key feature of globalization, they emerged due to patterns of migration, trends in international travel and the spread of the media, exposing people to the same images of the same dominant world companies.
Importance of Culture
Culture affects perceptions.
Culture influences behavior.
Culture shapes personalities.
Culture shapes our value and belief systems,
Are seen to be more capable of understanding other point of view
Are found to be less capable of understanding someone else's perspective.
Are what one believes to be the right things to do in order to live cooperatively in
Role of Culture in Moral Behavior
Shaping our moral behavior culture provides norms, customs, laws, and moral demands that are to be followed. It is like the oxygen we breathe. That influences the moral development of the human person since morality is just one of the cultural aspects.
Is the principle of regarding the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from the viewpoint of that culture itself. (morality is culture dependent)
FranzBoas in the early20thcentury
Cultural relativism is originating from the work of?
Factors of cultural diversity
Naturalsources of survival
Is the theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of one's culture.
Known as cultural relativism, says that moral standards are culturally defined, which is generally true.
States that there are no objective grounds for preferring the moral values of one culture over another.
Is the idea that all societies should accept each other's differing moral values, given that there are no universal moral principles.
JeffLandauer and JosephRowlands
Believed that Moral Relativism is an ethical judgment which claims that no ethical system is better than another.
Ethical relativism denies the existence of one universal moral law.