Adorno believed that obedience was the result of the individual rather than the situation. This is a dispositional explanation
The authoritarian personality is a type of personality that is argued to make people susceptible to obeying authority
It has been suggested authoritarian personality traits develop from strict parenting
The authoritarian traits include respect for higher authority, obedient to those deemed a higher status and hostile to those deemed a lower status
Adorno had 2000 middle class white Americans measured their unconscious attitudes towards other racial groups
Adorno developed the F-scale which is used to measure authoritarian personality
People who scored high on F-scale identified with ‘strong people’. They were very conscious of their own and other’s status
Milgram and Elms (1966) conducted interviews with a small sample of fully obedient participants from their obedience study, who also scored highly on the F-scale, suggesting a link between obedience and authoritarian personality
It is hard to use the authoritarian personality to explain obedient behaviour in the majority of a country’s population
The F scale has come in for severe criticism because every one of its items is worded in the same ‘direction’. This means it is possible to get a high score just by ticking the same line of boxes down one side of the page
people who agree with the items may not be authoritarian but ‘acquiescers’ and the F-scale is just measuring the tendency to agree to everything