Live long enough to retire and enjoy comfort and leisure in old age
Consider how death might affect others financially and make plans accordingly
Factors affecting what people plan for
Family situation
Financial situation
Attitude to risk
Current lifestyle and expectations of how this might change
People should allow for unexpected events in their financial planning
Positive unplanned events
Bringing in more money
Negative unplanned events
Spending more money, such as a car breakdown
Discipline in financial affairs
Setting a goal and trying to achieve it
Features of effective financial planning
A monthly personal financial plan showing expected income, expenditure and end-of-month balance
Cashflow forecast
A tool for monitoring and controlling financial plans
The planning process
1. Decide on aspiration
2. Establish realistic timescale
3. Establish starting position
4. Establish priorities
5. Document the plan
6. Implement the plan
7. Review progress
Deciding on realistic aspiration
Consider factors that affect a person's aspirations, such as health history and risk appetite
Establishing timescale
Be clear and realistic about the time allowed to achieve the goal
Establishing starting position
Audit current resources including balance of accounts, income, expenditure, assets, liabilities, net worth, and current provisions
Establishing priorities
Narrow down goals, consider opportunity cost, and provide for security and protection
Documenting the plan
Write down starting point, goals, timescale, priorities, risks, and actions to be taken
Implementing the plan
Limit expenditure to less than income to achieve monthly surplus for savings, or set up repayments for loans
Consequences of missing loan repayments include having to make double repayments later, penalty charges, and increasing debt
Reviewing the plan
Regularly review due to changes in financial environment and personal wants/aspirations
Using financial products
Borrowing, saving, insurance, or a combination to meet financial goals
Consequences of failing to do financial planning include being less likely to achieve wants/aspirations, not being in control of finances, and damaging financial reputation/creditworthiness