Tripartite System (1944)

Cards (10)

  • Main Aims
    Selective education
    • students would receive a different education dependant on their ability
    • all students would sit a test at 11 years old (11+) to determine their ability and sift them into the right type of school
  • Main Aims
    Equality of opportunity
    • All students in England and Wales got the opportunity to sit the 11+
    • Previous to 1944, the only students who could get a good academic education were those who could afford it.
  • Details of the act
    Students took an IQ test at 11, the result of which determined which of the 3 types of schools they would attend:
    1. Grammar School
    2. Secondary Modern
    3. Technical School
  • Grammar School
    • The top 20% went to grammar schools
    • received an academic education
    • got to sit exams
  • Secondary Modern
    • The bottom 80% attended
    • Provided more basic education
    • Initially students didn't sit exams
  • Technical Schools
    • Provided vocational education
    • Died out quickly
  • Evaluation
    There were class inequalities: Grammar schools were mainly taken up by the middle class and secondary modern by the lower classes
  • Evaluation
    The IQ test determined pupils futures at a very young age: There was no room for those who developed later in life
  • Evaluation

    Some secondary modern schools had very low standards and lablled 80% of their students as failures
  • Evaluation
    Gender Inequalities: In the early days of the IQ test girls had to get a higher score to pass than boys because it was thought that they matured earlier than boys