Notion of countability and use of number forms

Cards (4)

    • Drinks and food => generally uncountable, can have countable interpratation w servings of drink or food
    -> E.g. coffee & a cup of coffee
    • Varieties/kinds => uncountable nouns can be given countable interpretation when they refer to different kinds
    -> E.g. Two strengths
    • Animals and food => countable when refering to animal, uncountable when referring to food of that animal
    ->E.g. One turkey in the zoo & turkey for dinner
    • Abstract nouns and instances => uncountable nouns denoting abstract concepts can ben used in countable sense when referring to an instanse of said abstract concept
    -> E.g. Experience & several odd experiences
    • Abstract nouns and results => can be countable when referring to result of abstract concept
    -> E.g. Opa Fonkel's inventions
    • None substance interpretations of countable nouns => uncountable when referring to substance rather tan a concrete entity
    -> E.g. We have enough table for
    • Animals in collective sense => Some animal names have a zero plural in collective sense
    -> E.g. Fish, carp, ...
    • Proper nouns (surnames) are used in plural to refer to families, sometimes also first names
    -> E.g. The Joneses, three Judy's, ...
    • Numbers when preceded by numeral do not take plural
    -> E.g. 316 million, 2 dozen, ...
    • Numbers not preceded bu numeral do take plural
    -> E.g. Thousands of, hunderds, ...
    • Distributive plural -> E.g. The reigns of Elizabeth and James vs. the reign of William and Mary
    • Partitives => Used ot refer to quantity with uncountable nouns. There are general partitives -> E.g. A piece, a bit, ... There are also typical partitives -> E.g. Two pairs of, a slice of, ...