OB final 2

Cards (267)

  • calculate EDD
    Naegele's rule= LMP +7 days - 3 mo
  • normal maternal weight gain
    23-25 lbs, 3 lbs first trimester, then 1 lb per week (weeks-9 rule)
  • fundal height
    palpable after 12 weeks, at umbilicus 18-20 week, (=gestational age of 24-36 +/- 2 weeks)
  • when can hear fht
    8-12 weeks
  • quickening
    feeling baby move, occurs at 16-20 weeks
  • recommended prenatal visits
    once monthly until 28 weeks, then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, then weekly until delivery
  • term
    37-42 weeks, deliver prior to 42 weeks
  • every visit these tests are run
    urine, BP, wt, FHTs, fundal ht, assess for problems
  • possible problems found at weekly appointments 

    bleeding, ROM, ctx, fetal mvmt, discomfort
  • vaccines recommended in preg
    flu, TDAP, postpartum rubella (MMR)
  • initial visit tests
    type and screen, tests for infection including, RPR, Rubella, Hep B, HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and pap smear, first trimester dating ultrasound
  • when is genetic screening
    1st and 2nd trimester
  • every visit urine is tested- what for
    glucose, protein, and nitrites, negative is normal
  • anatomy ultrasound
    20 weeks
  • 28 week tests

    1 hr GTT, H/H, Rhogam given if needed
  • 36 week test
  • drop in Hgb normal, normal range is 12-16 but may drop to 11 in second trimester and 10 in last trimester
  • warning signs to report: regular preterm contractions, preterm bleeding, decreases fetal movement after 28 weeks, infection, persistent vomiting, leaking of fl, s/s of preeclampsia
  • first stage of labor- onset of regular contractions to full dilation, laten phase is effacement of 0-6 cm, active phase is 6-10cm
  • second stage of labor- full dilation to birth
  • third stage of labor- birth of infant to delivery of placenta
  • fourth stage of labor-delivery of placenta to two hours
  • think backwards positioning! anterior is facing moms back and right is facing left
  • lie= horizontal or vertical
  • presentation= breech, cephalic, shoulder
  • presenting part= part of fetus lying closest to internal os- part of body felt by examining finger (ex occiput, sacrum, scapula)
  • fetal attitude= relation of fetal body parts to one another,
  • position= presenting part in relation to quadrants of mother's pelvis (three letters, ex rom would be right occiput anterior
  • station= relation of presenting part to ischial spine (backwards again- up is negative (bc its bad and we don't want it) and down is positive (bc thats where we want baby for delivery)
  • engagement= when the largest transverse diameter of presenting part (usually at station 0)
  • normal fhr= 110-160
  • category I= baseline fhr of 110-160, baseline variability of moderate, no late or variable decels, early decels present or absent, accels present or absent
  • category II- bradycardia without absent variability, tachycardia, minimal variability, absent variability without recurrent decels, marked variability, no accels, decels with minimal or moderate variability, prolonged decels (btwn 2-10 mins), late decels with moderate variability, variable decels with overshoots or shoulders
  • category III- absent baseline variability, recurrent late decels, recurrent variable decels, bradycardia, sinusoidal pattern
  • variability- irregular waves or fluctuations in baseline fhr of 2 cycles/min or greater, measures peak to trough of single cycle
  • accels- abrupt increase in fhr above baseline, at least 15 beats/min above baseline
  • decels may be benign or normal
  • early decels- gradual decrease and return to baseline fhr, mirrors contractions
  • late decels- begin after cxn has started decrease and return to baseline fhr
  • variable decels- decrease is at least 15 beats/min below baseline, lasts at least 15 seconds, returns to baseline in less than 2 mins from time of onset