Provide splint or brace care, as indicated
Administer prescribed medications and monitor their effect
Complete a pediatric fall risk assessment using an approved screening tool, and implement necessary precautions
Assess the child's pain level using an age-appropriate assessment tool, and reassess pain after each intervention
Encourage the child and family (as appropriate) to verbalize questions, feelings, and concerns
Offer support and encouragement to the child and family, and assist with the use of positive coping strategies
Provide a well-balanced diet, with appropriate food choices and snacks
Monitor intake and output, and document them in the child's medical record
Weigh the child daily, using the same scale, at the same time of day, with the child wearing the same amount of clothing
Encourage the child and family (as appropriate) to participate in care activities and decision making about care activities to promote feelings of self-esteem and control
Collaborate with physical therapy to provide or assist with ROM exercises and measures to reduce weight bearing, as appropriate
Collaborate with occupational therapy to assist with activities of daily living and splint application
Perform routine skin assessments and care, keeping the skin dry and clean
Turn the child every 2 hours and pad bony prominences to protect the skin from breakdown
Cluster nursing activities to minimize energy expenditure and provide frequent uninterrupted rest periods
Encourage the use of energy-conservation measures
Ensure a safe environment for crutch or walker training
Prepare the child and family for surgery, if indicated
Consult with a child life specialist to provide age-appropriate distractions and support
Collaborate with social services to provide counseling, community resources, and support
Collaborate with care management to ensure that all home-going needs are met prior to discharge