Action: Depresses and protractsmandible and moves it from side to side
Origin: clavicle and manubrium of sternum
Insertion: mastoidprocess of temporal bone
Action: rotates head, head flexion
Origin: mid-dorsal line
Insertion: lambdoidal ridge
Action: turns and raises head
Origin: xiphoid process
Insertion: central tendon of diaphragm
Action: Respiration, most important muscle in inspiration.
external intercostals
Origin: border of rib
Insertion: border of adjacent rib
Action: protracts ribs
internal intercostals
Origin: Superior border of each rib
Insertion: Inferior border of the preceding rib
Action: Depressribs
external obliques
Origin: Outer surface of ribs 5-12, interdigitating with Serratus anterior; linea alba
Insertion: Iliac crest, inguinal ligament
Action: Compresses abdomen, opposite rotator of thoracic vertebrae
internal obliques
Origin: iliac crest, inguinal ligament and lumbar fascia
Insertion: 10th to 12th ribs and rectus sheath
Action: flexes and rotates vertebral column, compresses abdomen and depresses thorax
transverse abdominis
Origin: inguinal ligament, iliaccrest, cartilages of last five or six ribs, and lumbarfascia
Insertion: linea alba and pubic crest
Action: compresses abdominal contents
rectus abdominis
Origin: pubic crest and symphysis
Insertion: xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
Action: flexes and rotates vertebral column
serratus anterior
Origin: ribs 1-8
Insertion: vertebral border of scapula Action: protracts scapula
Origin: spinous processes of vertebrae C1-T12
Insertion: externaloccipitalprotuberance, nuchal ligament, medial superior nuchal line, posterior border of the lateral third of the clavicle, acromionprocess, and spine of scapula
Action: raises, rotates, and adducts the arm.
Origin: spinous processes of vertebrae
Insertion: medial border of scapula
Action: adducts scapula
levator scapulae
Origin: vertebrae
Insertion: scapula
Action: elevates scapula
pectoralis minor
Origin: sternum
Insertion: humerus
Action: adducts forelimb
Origin: clavicular head: anterior border, sternocostal head: anterior surface of the sternum
Insertion: Lateral lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus
Actions: flexes, extends, adducts, and mediallyrotates the humerus. drawsscapula anteriorly and inferiorly
Origin: scapula
Insertion: humerus
Action: medial rotates arm, adducts arm, extends arm
Origin: lateralborder of the scapula
Insertion: inferior facet of greater tubercle of the humerus
Actions: laterallyrotates the arm, stabilizes humerus
latissimus dorsi
Origin: lower spine and iliac crest
Insertion: proximal humerus
Action: extends and adducts humerus
Origin: supraspinous fossa of scapula
Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus Action: Abduction at shoulder