infrared spectroscopy

Cards (7)

  • absorption of infrared radiation causes covalent bonds to vibrate more and absorb energy and bend
  • ionic bonds don't absorb radiation, only covalent bonds
  • fingerprint region:
    • many peaks which are difficult to assign
    • region below 1500cm-1
    • unique part of spectrum of a molecule
    • can be used to identify the molecule by comparison with a database
  • infrared can be stopped by greenhouses gases. it enters as short wavelength and can't leave.
  • what are the uses of infrared radiation?
    1. identify air pollutants
    2. breathalyser
  • identifying air pollutants:
    • identify functional groups in pollutants
    • each pollutant will have a different spectrum
    • measuring concentration or abundance of the pollutants
  • breathalyser: contains an IR spectrometer which measures the ethanol in breath